Sunday, September 02, 2018

"Your Cup is Full"

Last night, I have an interesting conversation with a friend.

She said,"I'm lonely. I feel like I have no friend at all. I feel like nobody cares about me."

I said,"Well, loneliness is a depressing feeling. Nobody wants to feel lonely and not being cared about. How about if I help you meet some new friends? There's a picnic next week at my school. I can introduce you with new friends to make your world brighter! More exciting!"

She replied,"Nah, I think I'd rather stay home. I don't want to have thousand of fake friendships. I'd rather have one or two real friendship with people I feel comfortable with."

I (thinking and not responding),"But you just said that you are lonely..."

I feel that she's not really lonely. It seems that she wants her problem to be resolved, but she doesn't really intend to. I say that her cup is full.

When your cup is full, you don't have any room to accept new ideas. Instead of acting like a sponge, absorbing new information and learn new life skills, you stunted your growth by closing your mind like an iron prison. You're not welcoming new perspective that could change your world to the better. To be able to improve in life, one must try to always empty their cups.

"You are like this cup; you are full of ideas. You come and ask for teaching, but your cup is full; I can't put anything in. Before I can teach you, you'll have to empty your cup."

I wish I can say to her that her cup is full. But it's pointless since she wouldn't understand what I mean anyway. I can just put this a s a reminder to myself that I always have to try to empty my cup, empty my mind, so this way I can learn new information better. I must empty my cup. Everyday.

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