Sunday, September 23, 2018


You know the 5 steps of grief :
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

These steps are so true.

Right now I'm at the point of acceptance. And I felt I can only achieve this mindset after I finish running all my emotions from the first four stages. When I was in denial, I couldn't directly accept the truth. It's just a hard pill to swallow at that time. But when I'm in acceptance, suddenly I can clearly see the benefit of the situations, how can I turn it into my advantage, and just accept things the way they are. It's like, when life gives you lemon, make a lemonade philosophy.

I felt that it's important to always convey our emotion. Not at people who doesn't want to hear it out. But to other medium which we can express ourselves. That's why I'm so thankful for this blog! This is a place where I can quietly meditate my mind, try to process for anything that had happened to me lately, and try not to dwell in the past too much.

They say, it's all in your mindset. When things happen to you, can choose 2 things. You can choose to react negatively towards it, or you can choose to be positive about it. It's so dang hard to be positive when things happen not in our favor. I admit it. It's not easy. But do we have a choice in the matter? In the long run, is it more beneficial to keep down in the low, or to get up and start working at something else that will bring more progress? Focus on the big picture, focus on the long-term. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

We don't live only for today. Tomorrow we'll live. And the next day after that. So let's set our mindset to the positive channel. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to grief. But do more positive things to make your life better. When I'm in the blue, I like to shop. Somehow buying something new release a temporary joy in my heart. Weird. But I know at some point I got to stop and start saving towards my emergency fund. If that fund is full, fine, save more towards retirement. My future self will not mind to have more money in the end I think.

With the right mindset, we help us to lift ourselves up. Life still goes on. There are still responsibilities out there that need your attention. Perhaps organizing your things will help weed out those negative emotions. De-clutter always help. Cleaning is a good exercise. Journal your feelings  is always a good escape from reality. It makes you think in a deeper level. Do anything uplifting that bring progress. You'll feel happier and accomplished.

Control your mindset and don't let your mindset control you. Don't get trapped in the weeds of thoughts. Instead, direct it towards your goal and be very focus of it. Keep your eyes in the prize.

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