Friday, November 09, 2018

Average of 5 People

Jim Rohn once said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

It's true, isn't it?

The more you hang out with certain type of people, the more habits you pick up from each other. The more you mirroring at each other. We're getting comfortable and complacent. Imagine if this happen for a long time.

Have you given much thought of who the five people who could influence you the most? Do you want to surround yourself with people who will bring out the best in you? Who challenge you to grow? Or same people who in stuck in the rut with no progress and have been stagnant for years?

Now I'm not saying that we should let go good relationship with friends or family that we've been together for ages. No way! However, we should always attempt to grow ourselves to the next potential level where we could be headed, wherever it is. With you getting better, you'll make your surrounding better too. You influence your circle to step up to the betterment.

This is a great video to sum up this principle.

If we want to be better, we need to expand our circle. We need to meet more people, broaden our network, hang out more with interesting new people. We can always learn from each other, and be a support system in a time of need.

So if you want to be more positive in your life, get in touch with 5 people who are more positive than you so you can learn from them. Get some exposure.

If you want to be strong, surround yourself with 5 stronger people.

If you want to be better, then you know what to do, get into that better circle. Find your mentors.

It is exciting to expand your network. Suddenly you find yourself in a place where you want to be, because you choose to grow and learn from other people who has walk the path before you. They could give you insights, motivation, and guidance to the better you.

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