Saturday, November 03, 2018

Cut It Loose

You know my favorite phrase: Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. It's so true. Just because someone was good for the last decade or two, doesn't mean that he/she will be good in the future. They could become bad, corrupted, and fall into an unreachable lowest level.

To sum it up, for recent events that have been ongoing in my life for the last half year, I finally decided to treat all these situation as if I was to handle a bad investment. What will you do in a bad investment? Are you going to hold on to it forever? Hoping it will one day rebound back? Or are you just going to cut it loose?

I'm going to cut it loose. Just like a bad investment. Cut it loose and move on. Find a better deal somewhere.

I think this way we can cut the cancer of our lives and move on to a brighter future. Not saying that the grass will always be greener on the other side, but at least we can just remove ourselves from all the negativity and toxic situation that suck away our energy level. I've tried and tried and tried. And finally I decided to just call it quit. Better stop the loss now rather than bleed more and suffer more in the future.

Sometimes I feel that the world is really unfair. Oh I know that the world is always unfair. The reality is never the same of what we want it to be. You work hard, you live right, you do everything according to the highest moral standard, but somehow you're not getting the result you should get. There's always people that cut corners that somehow get ahead and get rewarded with everything. There's people that work half as hard as you do, and get everything they want. It's a double standard world. The world expect us to deliver our best, while the world doesn't have to behave the right way according to its own standard. How unfair.

Ok, let's stop this pity party now. Nobody likes a debbie downer so I rather cut myself short now. Before I got sucked in to more and more melodrama of my life.

Maybe one day I'll see the reason why everything has to happen. Maybe I won't. But for now, I need to continue to move on with my life. Forget everyone who had disappointing me. Forget everyone who had betrayed me. Forget everything that happened. Forget all the nightmares. Forget and just focus forward.

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