Friday, December 28, 2018

A Peaceful Life

I'm at the point of my life where I just want to live in a peaceful world.

Now don't get me wrong, there's no physical war in my time at the present (except the tension between trade war or the threat of North Korea or Russian missiles), but simply put, this is the most peaceful time the world has had, compared to different times of the past.

But I still want to attain peace in my own world. In my living space.

I no longer tolerate toxic people, abusive people, judgmental people to control my behavior. If they love me, they will accept me for who I am, for all of me. All the good and all the bad of me. It's not that I don't want to change to be better. But I admit I'm just a human, with my own set of strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect.

But one thing for sure, I won't sacrifice my integrity. My character.  There are values and moral ethic that I hold high, and I won't compromise those. Integrity is strongly rooted deep in my life, and I will not trade them for any other fake winnings, like money or "happiness". So many of us desperately want to be "happy", that we throw away our code of conduct, and forget to do the right thing. Not me.

Peaceful is being content. Even being happy means being content. And although life has evolved into new beginnings that I've never imagined before, I must say that I am truly content with where my life has leading me now. I did work hard and I will continue to work hard to accomplish my dreams, but I also now am flexible with this thing called life.

A peaceful life is not a life without conflict. But rather, a life of controlling one's perception of how a conflict need to be resolved. The easiest thing to do is sometimes to just keep fighting until the end, so now I learn that letting go is one of the hardest thing to do actually! And letting go is supposed to be the easiest thing to do, and sometimes is the only right thing to do. So in order to maintain my peace, I'm learning to let go. Let go of the past. Let go of the dream. Let go and just let life evolve naturally.

I'm at peace where I also organized at my life, knows my priorities are, de-clutter, everything in it's own place. Yep, it's OCD. But that's my way to find peace in this chaotic world. It's not even the matter of control. I know there are only 1 or 2 thing I can control versus a million things that I have no control about. But peace is also knowing when to stop working on dead projects. Knowing when to to walk away from the unfixable chaos. Peace is letting people live their own lives, without our interference. Accepting reality and moving on.

The more I can accept the reality, the more peaceful I am. And it is a skill that I continue to learn.

Peace is finding my own balance without dependency to other people's acceptance on us. If they accept me, great! If not, that's fine too. I'll be peaceful either way. It's wisdom to be able to thinking at this level.

May you always find your peace and living a peaceful life, for the rest of your days.

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