Saturday, December 08, 2018

Does The End Justify The Means?

Finally I know the answer of that question.

Does the end justify the means? No matter how noble is the end?

The answer is... NO.

Ask yourselves this:
1. Would you sell marijuana and cocaine (which you know will damage people's lives) to feed your family?
2. Would you prostitute yourself, so you can feed your children?
3. Would you accept a contract to be a killer, so you can buy a medicine to cure your parent?
4. Would you fund a terrorist to be able to provide housing to your loved ones?

I say no. Why? Because there should be another way to feed your family, your children, cure your parent, and provide housing to your loved ones. You can find different alternatives. You can work in a more honest way. You can work as a janitor, debt collector, salesman, warehouse guy, or any decent jobs that you hate but it's legal and not destroying lives!

Robin Hood sounds like a novel idea. Steal from the rich to feed the poor. But seriously, why would you do that? The rich work hard themselves. If the rich does steal from the poor, then report them to the authority! But you don't steal back. Don't do eye for eye. In reality, there are so many rich people that are rich because they work hard and they deserve to enjoy the fruit of their labor. Being rich (the right way) is not wicked.

Basically, end justify means is just simply mean a good outcome excuses any wrong committed to attain it. But wrong is wrong. Wrong is not right. If how you get your happiness is by doing the wrong thing, it's not true happiness. It's fake happiness and it's not really a happiness to begin with.

And is there something to justify the end?

Never sacrifice your moral. Never question your integrity. If it's a wrong thing to do, don't do it. No matter how noble is the intention. It's still wrong.

Keep doing the right thing.


olivewood allen said...

The more you are able to squeeze out of your budget to raise your debt snowball, the faster you are going to achieve your targets. For more ideal details about debt collectors, pop over to these guys.

angelenaalessandro said...

In reality, this rarely happens. At most, collectors are going to notify you that they are going to sue you if you do not comply with the agreement. If you are curious to know more about debt collection agency, here you can get more information about it.

charliesmith said...

Private Debt Collection companies use aggressive methods to try to collect on debts, and some of these tactics are against the law. They often resort to harassing tactics in order to collect.