Sunday, December 09, 2018

I'd Rather

Once upon a time ago, my good friend in high school wrote this in our yearbook :

"I'd rather get a 9 with my own effort, rather than a 6 with cheating."

Funny quote, huh?

Well, first of all, of course you'll choose a 9 vs a 6! And of course you'll be prouder if with you get it with your own effort rather than cheating. That's why so many people usually put the phrase like this: "I'd rather get a 6 with my own effort rather than a 9 with cheating." Basically it's better to get things honestly and the right way, rather than with shortcuts, cheat, and deception.

But what I love about this quote, it's contains deeper meaning than that. It convey a message that you can get the best of both worlds. You can still get the result you want, with the correct way of doing things.

And that reminds me, another once upon a time ago, someone told me,"I'd rather have 1 or 2 true friends, rather than 1000 fake friends." And I, being an extrovert and do have more than 1000 friends, was shocked to hear that! Seriously? You'd rather have literally no friends at all? What if your 1 or 2 friends died or moved or eventually be off your life?

So I stepped back, reflect, ponder, and come to this conclusion:

I'd rather have 1000 true friends, rather than 1-2 fake friends.

I'd rather be rich and kind, rather than be poor and wicked.

I'd rather have an expensive clothes with quality that last a long time, rather than a cheap clothing that is so broken that it tore the first time I wash it.

I'd rather have good times with someone else, rather than have bad times with you.

I'd rather have a 9 with my own effort, rather than a 6 with cheating.

You get my point.

Change the way you think. It is possible to achieve better things and state of mind without compromising your values and integrity. It is attainable.

Well, my high school friend is right. It's better to get the BEST THINGS in THE RIGHT WAY, rather than getting LESSER THINGS in the WRONG WAY!

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