Saturday, January 12, 2019

4 Class of Love

There are 4 class of love:

1. Love Eros
2. Love Because
3. Love Eventhough
4. Love Agape

So let's look deeper into each one of these love.

1. Love Eros.
Love Eros is the physical love. It's the law of attraction. We are attracted to someone because of their looks, personality, or any external factors that make us drawn to that person.  Love Eros is similar to lust. We want that person to be ours because that person looks perfect in our eyes. We don't see their negative habits yet. We don't want to see their shortcoming. All we see is just rainbow. This is where lot of people say "Love is Blind."

2. Love Because.
Love because he/she loves me back. Love because she take care of my children. Love because he is a hardworking guy who never afraid of work. Love because give us reason why we love that person. This is the second level of love. No longer because of physical love, but we look deeper beyond the looks. Love because he and I had been married for 10 years. Love because whatever that because reason is.

3. Love Eventhough
My dad used to say that Love Eventhough is the hardest type of love. Because this love, is a love, eventhough that person hurt you. Eventhough you're not together anymore. How you can still show love eventhough the love chapter seems to be over? It requires a very big heart and humble soul to be able to display love eventhough. Love that continue to be giving from the heart eventhough that person no longer love you anymore. Love eventhough they don't care about you. But you still love them nonetheless. It doesn't mean you want to be abused and neglected, but that means you still treat them with respect as a human being, with dignity, with integrity.

4. Love Agape.
This is God's love. This is God's love for us. And our love for God. This is the ultimate class of love. How we can continue to love God although sometimes He seems distant? But we have to believe that God always love us, no matter what we do, where we are, or when we are (when we young or old). God's love is always and forever. For eternity. Until our soul is gone from our body. And until we one day join our Heavenly Father for good.

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