Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Action Gratitude

Today is January 12, 2019, one of the happiest day in my life? Why? Because I feel so accomplished by having an action gratitude! Gratitude is not just being grateful for the things or people you have, but also being grateful for the activities you did! Your accomplishment!

Here's what I did so far today:

1. Blogging. I blog 4 Class of Love.

2. Making my own oatmeal breakfast while listening to Dan Lok's podcast.

3. Went to the gym and spend good 30 minutes there. Exercising with 3 different type of machines.

4. Went to Fred Meyer to do my weekly groceries shopping. Pump gas too, by myself.

5. Went to Party City to buy my party's preparation for next week: plates, cups, spoons, forks, knives,  tablecloths, 2 different type of napkins. And all in the blue theme since I love blue so much!

6. Went to the mall and enjoy life!
  a. Fix my bluetooth. It was not connected properly apparently. Thanks, Damien!
  b. Fix my new white working pant that I bought from White House Black Market. The pant was too long, so I have my tailor hemmed it. Will pick it up next Thursday. :)
  c. Having a nice 20 minutes massage at Orchid Massage. My therapist Shirley really knows how to make me relax and feel asleep. Took a good nap there!
  d. Bought 5 new candles from The Yankee Candles. Hmmmm, new scent at my home every morning.
  e. Bought 6 new earrings! Well, technically 3, since it's buy 3 get 3 free! Hehehehe.
  f. Bought a dozen of assorted mini cupcakes from Cupcakes Jones, the new cupcake store in the mall.

7. Cooked my lunch : Cauliflower & sausage fritata. And kale chips.

8. Having lunch while watching The Bible : The Samson and Delilah episode. Lesson learned, Samson, lesson learned. The lunch was wonderful, finishing off with cantaloupe fruits and 2 mini cupcakes (red velvet & german chocolate) as the dessert.

9. Went hot tubbing. Enjoying the green scenery of my beautiful apartment complex! While in the hot tub, I enjoy a hot chai latte too, courtesy of my apartment staff! Isn't that wonderful?

10. Doing laundry.

11. Took a lovely shower with my favorite soap from The Bath & Body Works. Hmmmm, it's Whipped Vanilla & Spice.

12. Swiffer my apartment, both the sweeper and the wet jet. Also dusting the shelves too. Simply cleaning!

13. Facebook : upload new photos and captioning the albums.

14. Talked with my cousin Jeffrey who lives in Canada via Whatsapp

15. Talked with my friend Sandra about our appointment next Sunday. Too bad we should take a rain check for now.

And now it's only 3.26 pm! Oh boy! That means I still have time to do the next thing I want to do : play Kindle games, reading the Necessary Endings book, finishing watching The Bible, cook dinner, facebooking, putting clean laundry away, paying bills, and etc!

I love this action gratitude journal. It makes me feel so productive and creative. I get to do anything I want to do and I need to do. I love having time of my own now. Most likely Monday to Friday, for 8 hours my time is not mine, is my company's. Which I don't mind because I do really like working anyway. I don't work to be rich. I work because I love working. And having compensation is enough to extend my living. :)

When this blog is finished, that means I finish 1 more thing on my plate : Finishing 2nd blog of the day! Wow! Usually I blog just once a day, or once a week, or once every blue moon, lol. This time I'm on fire! :)

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