Sunday, January 06, 2019

A lesson from Dan Lok

I was listening to Dan Lok's podcast this morning.

I learn from him that in this life we go through 4 stages:

1. Survival stage.
He learn this from a very young age. Make sense. When we were young, we go into,"A survival mode." We are to survive.

2. Security stage.
Paying bills, have roof over our head, got a car, taking care of your family.

3. Success stage.
Not everyone will be in here. Just a percentage of people will move to stage 3. When you're successful, you don't have everything you need, you have everything you want.

4. Significant stage.
It's no longer just about you. It's no longer about here's what I want. It's about a legacy. What's your impact. What do you want to leave behind? What do you want to be known for after you gone?

The hardship, the tragedy, that might be the greatest thing that ever happened to you. It all depends on how you interpret it.

If you're not grateful with what you have, you're not going to be grateful when you have more.
(This for me basically means, if you're not happy now, you won't be happy later. Very true, Dan!)

Be grateful with what you have while you strive for more.

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