Saturday, January 05, 2019

Tough Yet True Love

When you truly love someone, you have to let him/her go. You have to let them live the way they want to live. If they love you and want to be with you, they will find their way back home. And if not, then it is what it is.

Love sometimes is letting them fail. Letting them learn their own mistakes so they can grow.

Love sometimes is purposely to not do anything to "save" them. If we keep rescuing them, they will never learn. It will create co-dependency. It will not make them grow. It stunted their maturity. We are doing a disservice if we keep "helping" them.

This is what tough love is. It's tough, and it comes from the heart. We just want the best for them. And sometimes, the best is to let them do things they want to do and have them learn to face the consequences.

Just the same thing when mother bird is trying to teach her baby bird how to fly. She pushes her baby bird off the nest so the baby bird can start learning to flap its own wings. If the mama bird keep "protecting" her baby, by shielding the baby from the truth harsh fact of life, then the baby bird will never learn to fly. And when the baby bird becomes an adult, she will just stay in her nest, comfortable fed by the mama bird until the mama bird dies. And then what happened? Is the adult baby bird going to start fly then when she's 63 years old? When the mama bird no longer alive and now she has to feed her own self?

Experience is the best teacher.

And we can only get experience by trial and error. By learning from our mistake and find out the right way. Mistake is not a failure. Mistake is simply a wrong way of doing things. So we continue to learn until we find the right way of doing things. Of thinking things. Of feeling things.

Now that is true love. You have true love in your heart for your "loved" ones when you truly can let them go, and free them to live whatever lifestyle they want to live. Love doesn't mean we always be together. Love means that I love you. And I accept you the way you are. Even though we are not together anymore. For now.

This blogpost is dedicated to all the people I love. You know who you are.

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