Basically it doesn't mean that we have to be paired one by one. This simply means that we are human beings with social needs. We need other people to survive in this world. Even when we become a couple, we still need other people too.
Do you have a car? Do you work on your car yourself when it broke? Yes if you are a mechanic. But if you have no experience in handling your car, would you do it yourself? You would bring it to your mechanic, right? There you go. You need a mechanic to fix your car!
Do you grow your own foods? In daily basis? Make your own bread from scratch? Milk the cow? You need farmers to do those things for you. You need the delivery driver to transport the goods between the farmer to the store. And if you are one of those people who do online shopping including your groceries, you still need UPS or Fedex to bring your items to your home.
In everything we do, we need other people. And to be more successful in life, we need to continue learning. The skills we learned 20 years ago now become more and more obsolete.
Imagine 400-500 years ago. When becoming a great blacksmith was still a popular job. There's this kid that wants to grow up to be his dad, the most popular blacksmith in his town. His dad can make any knights proud from the swords he made. His dad can make a beautiful sharp dagger complete with the rhinestones on the hilt. Simply put, if you go to his dad's blacksmith shop, guaranteed you'll have the most dangerous weapon on earth. You can wipe your enemies with one swing.

The kid perfected his craft every single day to be the next great blacksmith. He never stop learning. Until one day, he accidentally sleep for a very long time and wake up in the year of 2019. He woke up and realize that now there are no more blacksmith around. There are even no more knights and squires around to be his dad's customers! The skills that this kid learnt is obsolete. There's no need to be a blacksmith anymore, since even the kitchen knives are produced in the factory.
This story illustrates that we need to continue learning of skills that will still relevant in the future. And as for me, the one thing that will still relevant is life skills. How to handle life perfectly. Let's be optimist. We're still going to live for the next 40-50 years down the road right? So if we still live until that long, why don't we get help from other people to better our lives?
Get a life coach!
Life coach is somebody (or a group of people) that will be your mentor in life. Life coach is like a personal trainer, they are there to coach you to be better in life. They won't tell you how to live your life, that's up to you. But they will teach you the skill to get ahead in life.
You can read books, listen to podcasts, and surround yourself with knowledge all day. But you will be more effective when you incorporate a real human being to help you along the way with this journey we call life. It can be anybody! It can be your family that's richer in experience than you. It can be your teachers in school. It can be your boss and coworkers who had done it. It can be anyone!
I realized that now I am where I am now because I have so many life coaches! They all different people with unique perspective and individualists, making my experience more diverse and colorful. The benefit I reap from having life coaches are so many. I can learn from their life stories. I can be warned for things I shouldn't do and avoid. I can be shown new ways to improve my lifestyle, from beauty tips to healthy eating to strong mindset.
If you want to better your life, find a mentor or two. Ask their opinion. Get feedback. Only by honest coaching we will grow. We don't want to be stuck in the rut, right? We want to keep growing in life, like bamboo. Never stop learning. Especially from the life coaches! Your future self will thank you later. :)
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