Monday, May 27, 2019

Accomplishing More Things

G: You gotta stop and smell the roses. Enjoy life.
Me: Ya, but smell it fast. You still have tons of things to do!
G: (Laugh out loud).
Me: Well, you get your roses right? Now get up and move!

That piece of conversation was replayed in my head this morning.

Grant and I was talking about how we can accomplish more things. I shared with him some of the points below and he agreed. Especially on point number 1.

Today it seems that there are more and more responsibilities piling on our shoulders. So the key is not to do more things first (well, eventually you will want to do more things), but first we need to do our routine faster so we can get more time. Once we master to things A in a shorter time, then we have time to do things B. And C, and so on.

So how we can accomplish more things? Here's some strategy:

1. Walk 25% faster.
Not only you burn more calories this way, but you also get to your destination faster. Life is how to get from point A to point B, right? So if you can get to point B quicker, then there you go, you'll have more time! And what to do with more time? Anything you want to do! Relax, games, family time, or do more business! Whatever you like! Walking faster could lead to living longer too. Forget gym membership.

2. Learn quick.
If you are in a situation where you need to learn, then learn quick. It will takes time, yes, it's okay, but pick up your paces. Don't linger. Study, focus, concentrate, practice, and do it. Learning by doing is the best. You'll get the point faster. And you get to live it too. Learn quick! Repeat it again and again.

3. Adjust, adapt.
The key to life survival is to adjust and adapt with your surrounding. Life somehow will always change, no matter what. So, adjust, adapt, thrive! Every day is a new day. I mean look at the date. The date is ALWAYS changing, right? Today is May 27, 2019. There will never be a date like this anymore in the future. We only get one chance to make it right on THIS date. So, adjust & adapt to the new challenges of the day.

4. Know how to read people.
Odd enough, there are some aspect in life that will never change. I know people never change. What I meant is people in general is people. People a century ago and people a century later, will still be the same. They both still breathe oxygen. They both still have emotions. So, if you can understand people, you just unlock the secret of survival for the future. Know how to read people, and you'll be fine. Use "Please and thank you". Integrity. Find the same difference between the past, the present, and you'll be okay in the future. Understand what makes the world go round. People is your ally. With the right people in your life, you get to accomplish more things. Teamwork is dream work. A championship is not won by 1 person, but by a team of united people.

5. Take what you can take.
Always take what's on the table. Always grab the silver lining. That's how you get more things. Don't disregard your "bonus". Appreciate what is given to you, whether you like or not. You never know when you're going to need it. Whether it's experiences, wisdom, or anything extra that comes toward your way, take it.

To wrap it up, to accomplish more things, you need to learn to do things faster. Effective and efficient. I guess that's why back in the day, they call me Peggy the Speedy Gonzales. Fast is my middle name! :)

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