Thursday, May 23, 2019

How to Be Better

1. Stop the blame game.
From now on, stop the blame game. Don't blame anybody anymore. Including yourself. It doesn't matter whose fault it was. What matter more is how to be your better self. Instead of wondering things that don't matter anymore, focus on things that you can change, that you have control over. No more blaming!

2. Learn the lesson.
It's important to live in the present. It's great to moving forward. But.... if you want to improve yourself, you have to learn the lesson of the past. It was history, yes, but don't just discard everything. Learn how to do things the right way now. Or different way this time. Otherwise, history will repeat itself. If it's a good history, great! What if it's not? Do you want to repeat the same mistake again? Either way, good or bad history, learn the lesson. Learn what made you successful, learn what made you fall. You can only learn from the past (and the present). You can't learn from the future because the future is not here yet.

3. Learn from better people.
One thing that will catapult you to the next level, is when you have the ability to learn from better peer or mentor. And of other successful people. There's thousands of them! Copy what make them greater. They already made the initial mistakes. They had the failure. And they learn to be better. So why repeat the same mistake? It's easier to apply a proven success tips rather than trial & error it yourself. Listen to your mentor. And do it, not just listen. Theory without application is still just a theory.

4. Know your strength - and play with it.
You should know yourself better than anyone. That means you already know your own strength and weaknesses. You know your positive points, so play with it. Use it. Don't underestimate your power. You are better than you think you are! You possess all the natural abilities to be a better person each day, so utilize it! Use all your senses, skills, and everything that are given to you. Focus on your strength and those things that set you apart from everyone. It's unique to you and there's a reason why only you have it. Because only you can do it.

5. You can do it. Are you willing to do it?
Fish is not created to fly, so don't bother training fish to fly (lol!). But you are human though, you're not fish. So don't say I can't do this, I can't do that. You actually can, you're just not willing to do it. So one thing you can do to be better, is to be willing to do things that will push you out of your comfort zone. Try new things. Dare new adventures. Don't be afraid of failure. If you fail, just get up and try again. Easy.

6. Discipline.
A better person is the one that has the discipline to do good habits and leave bad habits behind. Habit is a repeatable process over and over again. Simple things done million times. Habit mold your character and before you it, you become. If you want to be better, have the courage to say no for things you must say no. Have the courage to say yes to progress and opportunities. And discipline yourself! Don't play games too much that you'll be tired the next day for school. Don't party up too long till late at night that you'll be sleepy at work the next morning. You  need to bring out your A game anytime, so develop healthy habits that support your school and work. And life.

And just in case you need more tips to be better, here you go. More ways to be better!

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