Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dan Lok's 7 Signs You're Going To Be Successful

1. Successful people have great habits.

  • Habits determine 95% of a person's behavior.
  • Future = quality of the habits that you form.
  • Very best people have best habits.
  • Get up in the morning, meditate, reading, exercising regularly

2. Successful people are incredibly driven.

  • You pushing yourself to get results.
  • It's your personal drive that keep you going when things get tough.
  • Your personal drive able to get you bounce back from setback.

3. Successful people are confident in their abilities.

  • Two biggest enemies of success: self doubt & fear of the unknown.
  • Confidence = believing in yourself.
  • Confidence comes from competence. 
  • Confidence is not arrogance. No one is above you. Willing to bet on yourself?
  • How often you invest in yourself?

4. Successful people communicate clearly.

  • Communication skills: writing, conducting meeting, speaking one on one, speaking to large group of people.
  • Learn from mentors.
  • How to use words to influence somebody
  • Successful people = the ability to influence, persuade, and inspire other people.

5. Successful people have a growth mindset.

  • Read 1-3 hours a day.
  • Constantly learning all the time, doesn't have to be about reading.
  • Getting coaching from great people.
  • Put up journal & taking notes.
  • The more you know the more you realize you don't know.

6a. Successful people embrace failures.

  • Ridiculously positive about the future.
  • Positive expectations about future.
  • Rejected a thousand times, over & over again.
  • Most successful people = most fail than anybody else.
  • Difference: lack of will.
  • "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." ~ Winston Churchill.
  • Most successful sales people = experience rejections on day to day basis MORE than anybody else.

6b. Successful people have high EQ.

  • Surround themselves with smart people.
  • High degree of emotional intelligence.
  • EQ eats IQ for breakfast.
  • EQ can be developed, learned, and refined.
  • They don't crack under pressure. Stay calm. Know how to deal with anxiety.

7. Successful people are self aware

  • They know what they're good at. Know strength & weaknesses.
  • Refuse to feel inadequate.

Combine all these signs and skills. Signs are just potential. How to turn your potential into profit.

Dan Lok is really my virtual shifu. Thank you, Dan!!!

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