Saturday, May 04, 2019

The Silent Enemy

As time goes by, I finally figure out who is my silent enemy. Actually it's not a who. It's a what. This silent enemy is one of the biggest predator out there that threaten our future dream.

This silent enemy has a name. Its name is ... inflation.

Inflation is a general increase in price over time. Inflation reduce the purchasing value of money. That means your $100 now (2019) is not the same value of $100 anymore next year (2020).  It will be less next year.

5 years ago, $5 can get you a filet-o-fish, fries, and soda in McD.

Today, it cost you $5.08 to just get a filet-o-fish. No fries, no soda in sight. If you want the fries and the soda, you need to pay $2-$3 more.

I've heard this inflation theory since I was in elementary. Just the same like everyone on the planet. Who have never heard the concept inflation? But I started realizing the effect of inflation when I start living independently (no longer supported by parents). As the years goes by, I kept being surprised with how expensive things are every time I go to the grocery store. Or restaurants. Or paying bills in general.

Over the years, I watched the cost of living increase slowly but sure. Prices creep one by one. And I begin to get creative. Switching to generic brand instead of holding on to the usual brand that I picked. Adjusting my lifestyle too. Ditching cables and switch to Netflix (well for now. Until the next new cheaper thing arrive for entertainment, lol). Letting go landlines and just stick to cellphone.  I just chose the most basic vanilla plan the company can offer so I can minimize my expenses.

I want to stretch my dollar as far as I can. Because I know I still have to live tomorrow, and that means these little dollars I have gotta make it till tomorrow.

The more I think the more I realize that there's another easy way to tackle this inflation thing. How about this. Why don't we just don't buy that filet-o-fish anymore? Just buy a fish from the store, which is not processed anyway (aka healthier), cook it ourselves, which I bet a lot more economical! Few years ago, when I started to cook at home vs going out to eat/bring home food from restaurant every day, I started to see the impact it hit on my budget.  Suddenly I have money again.

When things get more and more expensive, I just simply let those things go. Easier that way. Sometimes letting go your favorite brand name means you get to live another day.

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