Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Another Key of Happiness


Another key to happiness is acceptance. When you accept things the way they are. It is what it is.

It doesn't mean that we cannot change things to be better. Of course we always have to strive to do our best. But, we need to know the wisdom between changing things that we can change. And accepting things that we no longer can change anymore.

When we finally accept the fact at face value, such as death, divorce, and taxes, we give ourselves a chance to do our proper closure and move on to new reality. Sometimes we are afraid to let go because we get comfortable in our surrounding. Not realizing that the next condition in life might be ten times better than what we had. More often, we are being forced to change and get adjusted with the new situation, and then we realized that the new life is indeed way better than the old life.

Acceptance give us peace. Let go of those things that are heavy in your mind. Be more relaxed. Serenity. Lighten yourself. Accept it and move on. Don't keep fighting a losing battle. Letting go is not quitting. Letting go means you know when you cut your loss. Stop bleeding and start healing.

There are more important things to do rather than lingering in the past that is no longer fixable.  Accept it gracefully. Say thank you for the lesson. Make you more mature and wise. And go on focus on the next task. Life still goes on. You still need your time and energy to survive in the next chapter of life. You still need to eat, breathe, and take care of yourself. The sooner you can accept it, the easier you can face the next challenges in life. And life will still be challenging.

Accept it. And move on.

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