Sunday, June 30, 2019

Nature Time

Grant, Joni, Angie, and I spent a lovely afternoon with nature! We went to Cougar Creek, a hidden gem in Vancouver, Washington, USA.

First, walk in the forest. Exploring trails and pathways. Then, we arrived at the creek. I can hear the fresh water flowing over the rocks. The water glistened when the sun hit it. So beautiful!

The girls were having fun. Right away they took off their shoes and socks. Barefoot, they play in the pond. Throwing rocks. Playing with the sand.

I have a lot of fun too! Thinking to myself,"Hm, this is such a great spot to make my daily video!" So I pulled my camera out and start recording. And here's the video!

We were not alone.

There were other companions: Daniel and Isaiah, 2 boys about Joni's age. They are cousins. They have 2 dogs with them: Lucy and Ruby. Daniel and Isaiah were making a rock bridge! How cool is that!

After a while, the four of us sat down in the sand and enjoy some mango with Tajin seasoning. Yum!!! The feeling is priceless. Breeze all over your hair, the sounds of bird singing, the soft sound of the river collides with big and small rocks. Nature is so wonderful!

Afterwards, we packed our bags and hitting the next spot. While we're walking, we passed a group of family who offered free popsicles!! It was to celebrate someone's birthday! Yay! Thank you so much for these free dessert!

Then, we found the next spot in the forest. A picnic table was ready, complete with the benches. We took out the lunch that Grant had prepared: turkey sandwich! Angie is making lemonade. Sitting in the middle of tall grees and these beautiful luscious greeneries, with people you love (and love you back), it feels peaceful. Life is good!

After lunch, we walked some more. So this is hiking. Grant found some spots here and there. And shared some history behind it. Such a tour guide! He grew up here, so he knew these areas well, just like the back of his hands.

I had the luxury to spend time with nature today. And with my new family. I love it! What a gorgeous day!!!

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