Sunday, June 23, 2019


In this video, I talked about the benefit of planning. 

Brian Tracy once said,"Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution." That wisdom is so true. Think about it. You don't have to think about it anymore, you can just do your plan.

Of course not everything you plan will become fruitful. But if you don't plan anything at all, you're not going to succeed. Just like everything in life, you have to have a strategy. Have a plan. Back up plan if needed. Plan B. Life is always about how you handle plan B anyway.

Nobody going to get in Uber and say to the driver : Just take me wherever you want to go. Haha, I think not! When you're using Uber, you're going to put your destination in the app, and the Uber driver will take you there.

Same thing with life. To get to where you want in life, you have to have a clear goal, then a step-by-step plan on how to get there. Plan ahead. Plan gives you clarity. Plan gives you a structure on how to get things done. And in the end of the day, result is what matter.

Run the day, don't let the day run you. Don't just drift in life and let yourself being pulled in this direction or that direction. Instead, build your future. Know what you want, where to go, and how to get there. When there's a will there's a way. Have an open mind. Be creative and efficient with your time.

Everybody has the same 24 hours in a day:
8 hours to sleep.
8 hours to work/business/school.
8 hours to run errands/rest & relax/reconnect with family & friends/entertainment & decrease stress.

So be effective with your time. One way to achieve this, is to plan your minutes. Have a goal, have a clear schedule, so this way you can say yes to opportunities that bring you closer to your goals, and say no to things that just going to distract you and are wasteful.

Planning is how you get the most benefit of your time. You will accomplish much more by planning.

Plan. Strategize. Get it done.

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