Sunday, June 23, 2019

How To Listen To Your Inner Voice

The world is noisy.

TV. Movies. Netflix. Facebook. Instagram. And all other social media out there. And oh, let's not forget, 7 billion people in the world.

Yeah, it's a noisy world.

So... how can we able to listen to our own inner voice? Where we are constantly bombarded with everything in life? Especially if you are parents! Oh, I can't imagine!

Here's some tips I received from a wise man when I had a chance to sit down and listen to the wisdom of the day:

1. Be still and listen.
You can't listen to news and to yourself at the same time. Have a quiet moment. Go outside. Look at nature. Be in the nature. Close your eyes and quiet your mind.

2. Watch.
Observe. Use your 2 eyes. Watch what is happening. Then think. Have a clarity of mind. And heart.

3. Write down.
So you don't forget it. Sometimes good idea come just out of nowhere. And it'll fleet if it's not caught.

Always listen to your gut feeling. When somethings seems wrong, it sometimes actually is. Trust your instinct. We, human being, are equipped with the natural instinct to survive. To fight or flight.

Trust your judgment. And you're unsure on what to do, seek counsel from wise people, not fools. Not inexperience people with opinion, you don't need those. You need better people that had already walk the talk, already proof that they once upon a time ago was in your position too, and be able to find a solution to the problem.

Be smart. Be wise. Be calm.

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