Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Happiness Workout

Image may contain: Anne Liliana, smiling, sitting, table, living room and indoor

Just like everything in life, you have to work for it.

Want to be healthy? Exercise and eat right.
Want to be rich? Save, invest, and live below your means.
Want to be happy? Do the happiness workout!

In this video, I listed 3 things:
a. Gratitude.
b. Find what's right.
c. Take your meds!

In this article, I list 3 times more!

Happiness doesn't just happen by itself. It's a result of continous positive thinking, refusing to be in a negative mental state, discipline on being emotionally well, and silver-lining habits.

Here are some mental exercise that can keep your happiness in a healthy level:

1. Don't list the problems, they are magnified 10x when you write it down.

2. Instead, write 3 things you grateful for. Find something good. The ability to see, to work with your hands, 100% able body to live without oxygen tank. That's a starter. Do this every morning.

3. Anytime negative thought creep in, distract yourself with action. Household chores. Cleaning. Meal planning. Anything productive.

4. Help other people. It'll give you a sense of fulfillment.

5. Always focus on your strength. Focus on the positive. Don't let your mind & emotions out of control.

6. Read uplifting blogs, like:

7. Listen to inspiring podcast in YouTube. Or TedTalk.

8. Be creative of your situation. Use what you have. Budget. Have a plan to get out of debt. Control your expenses. Live frugal. Find better cheaper deal on living expenses. Say no to wants, just needs, know the difference.

9. Walk with me. I'm in this journey too. Let's be each other's support system!

Good job completing the happiness workout!

Image may contain: Anne Liliana, smiling, sitting, outdoor, nature and water

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