Sunday, June 30, 2019

Think, Not Memorize

We all given a brain to think, not memorize.

In this video, I share what David Schwartz outlined in his book,"The Magic of Thinking Big", on page 46. The ability to think is more valuable than the ability to memorize facts. We should use our brain to think, to ponder, to reflect, not trying to remembering facts that can easily be found in books, internet, and other resources.

Albert Einstein once being asked,"How many feet in a mile?". He simply answered,"I don't know. Why would I need to fill my brain with facts that can easily be found in 2 minutes in encyclopedia?".

Einstein teach us a very valuable lesson. It's more important to use our brain to think rather than to use it as fact storage. 

That's what Google, Alexa, and Siri are for.

Think of an idea. Of a plan. Of implementation. Strategic thinking.

Knowing difficult jargon in scientific world doesn't make one smarter. What make a person smart is if the person know the purpose of things, and not only knowing, but apply it in real life practices. Having a smartphone or smartwatch doesn't make someone smart. But using the smartphone and smartwatch to improve our quality of life is a smart move.

How to think is more important than how many intellect we have. Thinking outside the box, be resourceful and creative, is much better skills to have rather than have an IQ over 125.

Let's use our brain to develop ideas, brainstorming, think of a better way, more efficient and effective, find new ways to make our lives better.

Am I using my mental capacity to create history? Or am I using it to record history that have already been made by someone else?

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