Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Night To Remember

So.. it was a random evening. June 25, 2019. So random, right?

I looked at my watch. It was slightly after 8.30 pm. We (Grant, Angie, and I) are picking up Joni from her dance class. Joni is a slender 11 year old girl with such a nimble body! Love to see her making those dance moves!

An hour before, while waiting for Joni, the three of us played soccer. Angie, the strongest 8 year old girl I've ever known, always blocking me when I tried to score a goal! She's getting better and better being a goalie!

Back to slightly after 8.30 pm now.

The four of us walked out from the dance school, and to Grant's car. Angie was whispering something in Grant's ear. I casually looked at her in the backseat, and Angie said,"I think Peggy is onto us." I have no idea what she was talking about.

I thought we were going home.

But instead he turned the car to Wintler Park. I was wondering in my heart,"Why we're here?". But then I guess Grant was going to show me that there are beaches in Vancouver, Washington. Not all beaches are in Oregon. Okay, then. 14 years living in Vancouver and I had no idea there is a beach in Vancouver, near Highway 14, hahaha!

After parking, Grant and Angie walked ahead of us to the sandy beach. Joni and I walked side by side, and she was telling me a story about a conversation with her friend, Cayden. Something about how Cayden will propose his girl to become his wife. I listened to her attentively and had no idea there's a hidden meaning behind the story. I always like to listened to Joni's stories anyway.

Finally Joni and I caught up with Grant and Angie. Grant said,"Ok girls, get your phone out and take our pictures." I should have been suspicious at this moment. Grant? Picture? Haha. That supposed to be me saying that, LOL! Everyone and their grandmas now that I love taking pictures, anytime, anywhere! But I was too excited to spend some times in a new area that I've never visited before, so I pull out my camera and give it to Joni, so she can take our photos!

Alright. It's photo shoot time. Yay! Grant was on my right, hug my shoulder with his left arm, and I was trying being fabulous. Haha! You know, the wind on the beach blowing your hair away, hold your stomach so it looks flat, flashing a happy smile to the camera, giving it your best! Well, I do feel happy anyway! It's after work, after dinner, and just relax now!

Little did I know... like 10 seconds later, Grant presented me a little black box, opened with a beautiful ring in it! OMG! I think I was in shock or stunned or something like that, because suddenly my brain stopped working. I was like,"Really? Right now? Not next year?"

Before I could realize what was going on, he went down on one knee, and proposed me.

"Peggy Sanders, will you marry me?"

And he said more things that I don't remember exactly words for words, but I don't forget the feeling. For a fleeting moment, I tried to digest what's happening right now. But then I remember that he asked me a question.

So I said,"Yes."

Good thing Joni recorded some of these moments in this video, so we have at least the 48 seconds of what was happening in Wintler beach that night. Joni was also watching what was happening and don't want to miss out anything, so sometimes she put the camera away (and that's why you only see feet for some seconds there, hahahaha!). Angie was a sweetie too. The girls are so supportive! Love them!

What also had made me so touched, is that the ring itself is actually Grant's mom's ring! OMG, thank you Kim!!! It made it ten times more precious rather than a store's ring. Because I feel they all accepting and welcoming me into their family.

So now suddenly I have a new family? Oh wow. I am so humbled with their love and appreciation. I can't forget Jun 25th, 2019. It was a night to remember. It was a perfect proposal for me. So unexpected.  Oh by the way, Grant and the girls have been planning this for.... 3 weeks! The girls were almost cracked holding secrets that long! Hahahaha, so funny!

I know he was going to propose to me at some day in the future. I just never thought that day was yesterday. At about 8.45 pm.

After that, we went to Burgerville and get some milkshakes, to celebrate this life-changing moment. How sweet is that? Literally sweet! ♥

And they all live happily ever after. The End.

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