Saturday, July 27, 2019


I don't have everything I want. But I have everything I need.

To be able to breathe with my own lungs, it's a blessing.

I have 2 feet to take me to anywhere I want to go.

I have 2 eyes to help me see the beauty of this world.

I have met kind people who care and have big heart.

To be able to laugh when life is not perfect, it's a freeing thoughts.

I don't know everything, but I know how to use things according to it's purpose.

Perspective of life is everything.

Every day is a practice of being better. Thinking better, feeling better, living better.

If you be able to be happy in your present situation, whatever it is, you'll be happy when things get better.

And when things get worse, you'll be able to endure the trial because you are a human who possess the natural ability to survive.

I am thankful for all the experience I had, good and bad.

Life is a combination of everything : the laughter, the cry, the anger, the peace, the joy, the worry, the fear, the ambition, the panic, and the giggles.

When life start to drag us down, look at your hands. Still ten fingers? There are others who has less. I am a daughter of a man who loss his three fingers on his right hand. And he lived. And he died in peace.

Sometimes life evolved into a reality which we do not want. But as long we tried our best and give it all, it is okay. Let go the burden of the past because it's too heavy to carry everything into the present. Let it go.

When anxiety attacks, breathe and count to ten.

Find peace in doing little things. Putting things in order helps calms the mind.

I am happy I live today. If I'm not happy, I'll eat ice cream.

And when my life is over, I'll be happy too. Because that means I'm done.


Ravindirin Zearamane said...

Hi Peggy,
A well written thought provoker. With a personal experience, you added value to what already is a touchingly inspiring article.
I have seen the cartoon at the end somewhere else but it is very apt here in your context. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts on life.
Kind regards,

Peggy Sanders said...

Hi Ravi,

Thank you for your kind words and compliment! I'm glad you like it!

Have a great day!