Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Just Click "DELETE".

If you can read this, chances are you have social media in your life. And when you have social media, you will at one point post something, either a photo, a statement, a question, or a thought to the world wide web.

And chances are, there are someone who will be snarky and trying to be "smart" by giving an unwelcome sarcastic and rude comments.

And then we reply their comments. Trying to explain that they're missing the point. And they reply back. And the empty battle of words goes on and on and on. And everyone felt more rage, offended, and before we know it a friendship is broken. Everyone feel devastated. Added stress to life.

So here's an idea.

Instead of going thru all those unnecessary work, why don't we just do this one simple thing?

Just click "DELETE".

This way you avoid confrontation. You avoid wasting your time trying to win a stupid battle. Remember what Dale Carnegie had said in his book "How to Win Friends & Influence People"? Avoid confrontation at all cost. Never offend someone's ego.

I never have those "haters" reply back to the comments that I've deleted. They're not going to check back to the comments if there's nothing to reply to.

And guess what? You just get all your time back! No more typing back & forth. You can do laundry now! Or go jogging! Or whatever you want to do! Instead of simmering in boiled anger of reading those hateful words over again and again. Nope! No more time for that!

You want a simpler life? A happier life? Then just use that "DELETE" button. Problem solved!

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