Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Timeline is a graphic representation of the passage of time as a line.

I like this timeline concept. It reminds me that life is short and I better start doing and moving!!

When I used to live with my parents, I put it in a piece of paper and draw a line. Then, I put the years, for example : 1995, 1996, 1997, and so on. You get the idea. Below each year, I put 3 sub-line : my age, my dad's age, my mom's age. And as I see my "future" and my parents's "future" age, I start questioning if I have enough time to accomplish anything I want, and will that happen while my parents still alive. It got me thinking. And start doing things.

Then, I committed to finish my bachelor degree in exactly 4 years. I want to finish in 2001, so this will give enough time for me to start working and build my career, and my new life! Indonesian culture back in the day is different than in USA now. (I was Indonesian back then, now I'm a US citizen). Also, I don't know Indonesian culture now as I don't live there anymore. Back in the day, children don't move out from their parents's house when they turn 18, instead they will leave their parents's house when they get married. So I had the luxury to build up my initial banking career while still living with my parents before I get married.

Fast forward to 2014. By now my dad already passed away. RIP Pap. In this year I live with my ex-husband and my mom. So I did the same thing. The only difference is instead of putting in a piece of paper, I put it in excel sheet. I do 3 age columns : my age, his age, my mom's age. I also put the year. So it looks like this:

Year   My age   His age   M's age
2014    36            41         58
2015    37            42         59
2016    38            43         60

And so on. And I put our financial goals next to those numbers. Like how much savings we should have by then, how much retirement funds we should have at certain age, etc. This also reminds me of their mortality. As the youngest of the family, sometimes I feel worry and concern because they're not getting any younger, and I just don't want to face the day when they're going to pass away from this world! Ugh, unbearable!

Fast forward to today, 2019.

It's a new family now. It's me, my fiancee, and his 2 daughters. New family, new life, new priorities. And guess what? I just did the timeline again!! This time the purpose is to estimate how old the girls will be correlated to our age. And start planning ahead for their future : schools, activities, etc. This also is a poignant reminder that me and my fiancee are not getting any younger. That means the focus on building the future together is important : both emotionally and financially.

I guess I should indeed get married with him in March 2020. We'll see.

This timeline really helps to guide us to our tomorrows. I don't want to be like in 2023, and what have we done? Nothing? No way! We should continue focus on finishing our short term goals, while continue planting the seed to meet our medium goals, and long term goals.

Try it. Try to put your own timeline together. See what you want to accomplish in the next 3, 5, 8, and even 10 years. What you want to be done. Where you want to be. Although I know life will always throw us a curve ball, we should remember what's truly important and that way not missing the big picture.

Timeline reminds us that time is limited. It's always limited. Time itself is infinite, but our time is not. One day our own days will be ended. So while we still alive, be happy, be peaceful, strive for success, and love each other.  Especially at each other. Our timeline and their timeline might one day not be aligned anymore. And you'll be glad that once upon a time ago you had your happy moments together.

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