Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Other Side

This quote is so true.

Today my family and I visited the Leverich Park, in beautiful Vancouver, Washington. It was supposed to be the day for Joana to learn how to skate, and for Angie to play with her scooter. Grant did such a great job teaching Joni some tips and tricks!

After that, we headed to the playground. The girls did monkey bars, chain climbing, and other activities. Grant occasionally said,"I did this when I was your age, Peggy." Now mind you, I am not a teenager with a nimble body. I'm a 40 year old, almost 41, that has no business with any physical activities whatsoever since I don't exercise. Yeah yeah yeah, I know exercise is healthy for me, but let's face it. With 40 hours (and more) at work, and a house to take care of after that (like bills, laundry, and cooking - although not full force yet since Grant did a great job doing his shares), I have no interest nor energy to exercise, lol.

I was timid.

I tried at first. Climbing the first chain or two. And then I stopped. I thought I will never be able to do it. Let's get back to reality. This is my fourth decade in this world, and I'm not as active as these girls!

So I stopped. I go back to the bench when Grant sat. And watched the girls.

And then a crazy idea slip to my head.

"What if I can do it?". "Why don't I try it again?"

So I told Grant that I'm going to try to do it. Just to see what happen next.

I ran to the chain climbing area and start climbing. And then I'm stuck! At one moment I thought I was just going to give up. But Joni, Angie, and Grant keep pushing me (not literally, just verbally, lol). And Grant did helped me pointing out some directions and even fixing my foot position! Their ongoing support did motivate me. I don't know how many times I shouted,"Oh my God!" Hahaha!

In the end, I did completed the challenge that I created for myself, lol. Good thing Joni catch the moment in this video. It feels so good when my feet touch the ground again! I am glad I didn't quit. I'm glad I get to say : I completed it!

I just proved to myself that I have :
- determination
- grit
- willpower
- tenacity
- family who love me and cheer for me!

Thank you Grant, Joni, and Angie for being there for me. It is just a small thing, but it means the world for me. It is kinda of big deal!! I never done this before and I just did it! Wow!

Like what I said in this video (a different one), if you want something different and exciting in your life, try to dare yourself! Do something new that you've never done before, and complete it! You might surprise yourself! :)

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