Sunday, June 28, 2015

How Many Ways to Get 4?

Really, how many ways?

2+2 = 4

2X2 = 4

But then you can get it with 1X4 = 4, or 3+1 = 4.

Or 100-96 = 4.

Or 80/20 = 4.

The true answer is.... infinite.

There's infinite ways to get to 4.

The end. =)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Thank You, Readers!

My dearest readers,

This blog article is dedicated for you.  You are the reason why I write this blog.  Through my blog, I want to support people.  I want to instill hope and inspiration.  I want to provide motivation.  That you can do whatever you want to do as long you put your hearts and minds into it.

Readership.  That's a new word I learn today.  I enjoy our readership (me writing, you reading).  And I like that we can "talk" about whatever issue or concern or topic our heart desires.  That's the purpose of my blog.

So readers, thank you.  Thank you for your time reading my blog, and I truly hope you enjoy it too.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Decide to do it in this lifetime

Whatever it is you plan to do, to make things better, faster, cheaper, decide to do it in this lifetime. You will amaze yourself on tapping your capabilities in a way that you never think before!

I'm proud that at least I achieved these 3 accomplishments:
1. Closed a $10 million dollar deal when I used to work in a big foreign bank in Indonesia.
2. Closed another half million dollar deal that land me a trip to Italy for 2 weeks.
3. Lead a direct sales team of 40 people.

And I did it all before I get married at 26!

These achievements are something that I will always carry in my heart for the rest of my life.  And all because I was dare to do it. So whatever you wish, dream, and want to do, just do it!  You can do it!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Why "Half Glass" Perspective is Important

Let's face it, we live in a world where "half glass" concept exists.  They say half-glass-full people is optimistic, and the other half live in a pessimistic world where no one wants to live in it.  But the truth is, we need both sides of the story.  Why?

Half Glass Full
* To be grateful for what we have
* To be thankful for what we've experienced
* To enjoy life as it is
* To count our blessings
* To be in the mindset that "now I know more"!

Half Glass Empty
* To know that there's more work need to be done
* To realize the race is not finished yet, keep moving on to our goal!
* To tap more into our deeper potential
* To understand what it means to not have everything and be kind to those who less fortunate
* To learn more!

Our reality will always balanced out between these 2. The secret is to choose one condition based on our situation.  Hope this help. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Shopping Marital Advice

A couple who had been married for 15 years is asking a marital advice from a couple who had been married for 35 years.  The older couple gave 5 advices to the wife and 1 advice to the husband.

1. When shopping, do shopping.
2. That means check price comparison.
3. Do your due diligence on quality.
4. Stick within your budget, do not over extend.
5. Do not regret things you buy.  You need it, right?

1. Let your wife shop.


Some people that knew me since my childhood years, or even back 5-10 years ago, might thought that I don't change that much.  They are partially right.  The truth is, I changed.  Now I decide to let go things that no longer matter anymore.

At some point in my life, there are things that are more important than the others.  But the thing is, you really need to try to look beyond your present day.  Try to look ahead of what will come, but not too eagerly want to peek at your future, is truly an art.  Mastering this can help us avoid unnecessary mistakes and get us to our "destination" faster.

I guess it's true what they say.  Life is about how you handle plan B.  And that's why, to a certain degree, I will always change and evolve.  To something better. :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Terhalang 20 Years

20 years ago, 10th June 1995, was an important date for me.

On that fateful day, me and my high school friends produced a theater play "Terhalang", adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.  My role as Mercutio (aka Jaen Lohai), which was the 1st guy who died on stage, is something that I will never forget and will probably take with me till death do us part.

Oh btw, it was an all girl high school, so somebody gotta play the guy.

My love for drama and theater will never die.  I think.  Now fast forward 20 years later, and here we are today with new movies, tv series, and plays.

But something authentic about all girls drama high school is just an experience that you will always cherish and remember.  I especially want to say thank you to my high school drama club.  Thank you for the opportunity for me to play that special guy, Jaen Lohai. Thanks for having me in your show. :)