Tuesday, September 27, 2016

5 Balls

I don't know if this concept is true or not.

Work is treated as if it's a separate life. "If you drop it, it'll bounce back."

No, it doesn't.

Work is part of life. What happens at work, will eventually affect your personal life. Whatever happens at work, you'll carry that to your home as well. Probably not the work itself, but the effect the work caused.

For example. Let's say you have a very successful day at work. You feel happy, productive, energized, and accomplished. You go home feeling great, and when you feel great, you'll treat your family member better at home.

Vice versa, let's say you have a bad day at work. That grumpiness and whatever negative feeling you have, you'll bring it home too. Or probably to the bar (if you that type of person who likes to drown the sorrow of life in many bottles of drinks). And when you're at home, you probably will get irritated with a slight disturbance caused by your kids, spouse, or even your dog.

And if you do work in a job that you hate, you'll never feel fulfilled. You'll live a miserable life. And if you happen to be one of those lucky people who work in a job you love, you'll live life to the fullest. You even can create grand masterpiece in your work, which that accomplishment will be carried long into the future, long after the work itself done.

I truly wish work is a rubber ball. That it can bounced back easily. But the reality is... it's not. It's also a glass ball too. With probably too many stitches and patches here and there.

The truth is, all of these 5 balls are glass balls. But the good news is, these are the kind of balls that can be fixed (unless if you're diagnosed with terminal illness that has no cure - that is different). But if let's say you have a differences with your families, or friends, you can always make up, say sorry, and move on from that experience. If your spirit is broken, you can always attempt to soothe your feelings, and calm yourselves (for me this is so hard, but I keep trying though).

Life itself is not easy, and not hard. Instead of juggling with everything, I'm just going to take it easy. Know what my priorities are. Try to eliminate distractions on things that are not going to help me get to my goals. Relax more. I don't want to be caught up in a matter too seriously --- which could cost me my health. It's not worth it.

It's only a temporary life anyway. I'm not carrying those balls to my grave.

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