Thursday, November 09, 2017

The Alphabet Problem

Is D better than F?

(academically speaking).

Technically yes, D is better than F. But if the standard passing grade in school is C, then is it really better? If C means pass, anything below C means not pass, then basically D is not better than F.

One day when I was a naive young student, I came home with my report card. I passed for majority of my classes, even getting some As and Bs. But, there is one subject that I didn't pass. I got a D on PE (Physical Education). I guess I prefer being a brainiac than being physically fit? Anyway, I got home and remember being so scared to face my dad. So I "strategize" myself in presenting my report card to him.

"Pa, D is better than F, ya?" asked this silly little girl.

He looked at me with a knowing look. Then he simply said,"Well B is better than D."

I guess I can't fool him. Wise dad after all.

Long story short, I grew up with a conviction, that anything below par is not acceptable. It doesn't mean that I have to be on top of everything, got As in every single subject, but I know I can't afford to be below the minimum grade requirement, not even a D. Don't mention F too me, really.

This attitude stay with me for all my adult life. I strive to be the best, as best as I can. I don't accept "mediocre" thinking, a philosophy that good enough is better than nothing. Well, sometimes the enemy of best is not worst, but "good".

"It's good for me to have this C, at least it's not a D."

If that's the best you can do, okay, that's great. But you know that you don't give it your all, when you delay studying because you need to finish this level on that awesome video game. When you delay studying because you have to talk to your boyfriend about this important decision of life called shoe shopping. You know you didn't give it your best shot, when you keep procrastinating on studying your books for watching just one more episode of your favorite TV show. You know that. I know that, because I was guilty of all those charges before! :)

So, if you did give it your all, and you still got a C, then is that means good? Ok, that means you pass.

But if you give it all and you still got a D, that means you have work to do. Maybe you can reach out to a tutor or mentor to coach you and help you to understand the subject. Maybe you need to look at it from different perspective. It'll push you to be creative and resourceful. Or that simply means, you just need to pay attention 100% and not get distracted with your game, boyfriend (or girlfriend), or TV shows. Or anything that preventing you to focus on your study material!

It's your attitude in life that will carry you far far away above the mediocrity of our society. Change your thinking and you'll change your life.

D is not better than F. Go get an A!

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