Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Lost Weight Journey

A conversation with my friend regarding losing weight :

"Iya Na, semangat ya! Btw when i said 15 kg, it's not recently kok. I started to be committed to lose weight since July 2011, after my 1st trip to Canada. I was at 151 lbs. This morning I'm at 118 lbs. So I lost 33 lbs for the last 7 years. 33 lbs = 14.9 kg, ya dibulatkan aza ke 15 kilo ya? Hehehe

So as you can see. It's not an overnight process. It takes days, weeks, months, and years to get where I am now. It takes commitment, dedication, conscious effort, sacrifice, and definitely change. I change my diet. I strict it to :
- no butter
- no canola oil
- only EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
- no second plate how hungry I am
- reduced my plate to 75%. Bahkan now I can reduced it to 50%
- exercise it's important, this is the field that I'm still lacking, but I do have an active lifestyle at least. So keep an active lifestyle : bersih2 rumah, jalan, choose stairs vs elevator, etc.
- track my weight in daily basis. Tracking it's important so you know how close you are to your goal.
- and definitely have a goal! You must have a written goal. If not, you just wish, but not really intend to. My goal was 125 lbs. And now I'm 118 lbs!" 

You can lose weight.

You just have to have a goal, stick to the plan, discipline yourself, and never quit.

It's a marathon, not a sprint.

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