Wednesday, December 19, 2018

My 2019 New Years Resolution

It's that time of the year again, making a new year's resolution. So for 2019, here's mine:

Move Forward and Up.

Basically keep moving forward, and keep moving up. That means :
1. No guilt.
2. No regret.

In order for us to move forward, we can't afford to kept always being bugged with guilt and regret. Oh why I didn't do this. Oh why I don't say that. Oh why this and why that. We have to stop. Stop and think what's important ahead. What need to be done. So stop fussing all those wasteful regrets because it's not going to get you near where you need to be.

Another thing that is important to remember is to have no regret. People say : I wish I know this when I'm 22. Well, not true! When you 22, your knowledge is as best as you can be when you 22. You possibly cannot think like a 40 year old, because you're not there yet, you're just 22. So don't regret it. Don't say : If I know this when I'm 22, my life will be better. No it's not! Because if you did the best you can with what you've got when you're 22, then  your life is already better than the other 22 years old that don't have wisdom and experience like you. Or maybe the other 30 or 59 years old! Because wisdom come from experience, not age.

And don't let anyone guilting you into anything. Please. Seriously. Do not ever let anybody force you to eat that guilt plate. If you've done the best you did with what you have, then be content at that. Believe that you've made the right decision, the best decision with the circumstances you're facing. Don't let anyone influence you in such a way that you feel guilty of doing something (or not doing something). This is your life, not theirs. If they tried to guilt you, then you can say to them : why don't you do it yourself? Why don't you apply your own words to yourself? Walk the talk.

Move forward. And move up. No more time to move backwards and down. That time is over. Now it's the time to shine. Get up, go get it done, and progress ahead!

Happy New Year 2019!!!

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