Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Art of Finding What's Right

In my previous blog post, The Secret of Happiness, I outlined that one of the critical point to be happy is to find what's right in our lives. The art of finding what's right is not to have ALL situations to be aligned perfectly. Far from that. But rather, to take notice of every single thing, no matter how small it is, that is going right in our lives.

It's simply a gratitude action. To be thankful for everything. Even though our circumstances seems to be in the bottom of the pit, but there must be something that is still good and worth to be praise of. This takes discipline and effort. It doesn't happen unconsciously.

It's a habit. When you cultivate gratitude, realize what is still going right in your life, to be thankful for everything that has been given to you, then eventually this habit will become your way of life. It's an auto pilot to think positive. It is a skill, so like any other skill, it can be practiced and honed in a daily basis.

Let's start with simple things:

1. Be thankful that we still have good health. Complete body organs. All still functioning.

2. Good family, wherever they are. That still love you and care for you.

3. Great friends. Accepting you for who you are. Lifting you up when you down. Cheer on your success.

4. Wonderful home sweet home. It could be your house, apartment, or even a temporary place like hotel and AirBnb. A place where you can sleep. Roof over your head.

5. We eat today. If you can still be able to eat each day, that means you are blessed. To not go to sleep hungry.

6. Good job or business. To be able to work and produce so we can support our lives. That is one blessing that sometimes people overlook by grumbling how difficult their job are. Never! Never take your job or business or income for granted. That is blessing from above and it should be respected.

7. The internet. Oh how wonderful is this thing! We can expand our knowledge and stay connected.

8. Mall and shops. Oh ya I am thankful for this "Retail Therapy". There's a joy in shopping. Hehe.

9. Clean air. The world is getting better. The experts are helping decreasing pollution.

10. You heard the birds singing in the the trees on the street you just walked by. Beautiful nature.

11. Tall trees all around. I lived in Washington, the evergreen state. So every time I drive, I always mesmerized on how green is the state I live in. I love the beauty. I love the serenity.

12. The fact that I'm only 40 years old. That means I still have good 25 years to work in the industry I love (bank and financial world), and possibly 40-50 more years to live the life I want. With people I choose and I love.

13. The struggles and challenges I face. It'll make me stronger and more resilient.

14. The safety of our world. I live in a very safe place, where I can sleep soundly at night and not worry about anything.

15. Green tea. Whenever I can sip a hot green tea, I count it a good day. Smooth and relaxing.

Find what's right in your life. Journal it. List every single thing. You'll soon realized that you are blessed beyond your imagination. That you may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need.

And that's what life is all about. Is to give thanks to every single opportunities. To want to have a happier life, one must always strive to be positive, and to find what's right. Practice this skill everyday, grain it into your daily habits, and eventually you'll have a greater happier life.

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