Friday, May 10, 2019

2 Things To Say to My Older Self

So many articles these days are written to "the younger self". What would I say to the younger version of myself. I myself guilty of this. I did wrote a blogpost to my "21 year old".

That's foolish.

Why would I write an article to  my younger self? My younger self is no longer there. Is gone. I'm no longer 21 year old. I'm 40, geez louise.

If I want to write anything, why don't I address it to the older version of myself? To my 50 year old, 60 year old, and beyond! I don't know if I happen to live to be that old (let's say 70). And who cares? If I die, I die. Great! No more problems anymore then! But what if I still live?

So.... there's only 2 things that I would like to say to my "tomorrow" self.  And by the way, this is the second blogpost of me writing to my older version. Another "friendly" reminder.

1. Stop it.
Stop carrying the guilt of the past. It's in the past. You can't change it anymore. It happens. You did the best you could with the situation you had. You didn't choose the outcome. You wanted a different result. A happier happy ending. But it did not happen. So just stop thinking about it, stop feeling about it, stop analyzing it, just STOP!!! How many more man hours, days, weeks, months, and years of you continue to linger in the situation of the past that is no longer your reality today?

2. Don't futuring too much.
Seriously. It's fun to plan ahead. Absolutely. Fail to plan is plan to fail right? But, if you bring this to the extreme, you're going to rob yourself from the joy of the present. At this point of your life you don't have enough time, energy, and mental capacity to handle 3 things at once : the guilt of the past, the crisis of the present, and the worry of the future. Stop playing chess, Peggy. Stop planning your moves 5 steps ahead. Stop having a back up plan. Stop strategizing : if scenario A happen I will do this, if scenario B happen I will do that. Back to point number 1 above, STOP!!! No more futuring! Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:34? Each day has enough trouble of its own. Kesusahan untuk sehari cukuplah untuk sehari. And remember what Opa said? Tiba waktunya baru dipikirkan. When the time comes, then think about it. So no need to put yourself to death thinking and feeling about things of the future that may never ever come.

Lastly, to my dear older self. It's ok. You did the best you could, with what you had, with what given to you, with the best ability and knowledge and resources that were available to you. So it is totally fine. Whatever life that you'll live later, Peggy, it's fine. It will be alright. Just have faith that God will always protect, whether here in this life, and in after life.

In the end, we all going to heaven anyway. This life is just temporary. So just chill. Relax. :)

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