Saturday, May 11, 2019

Losing is A Part of Winning

There is a benefit of losing everything.

You already lost.

You have no other way than up now. No other move other than go forward.

So let's analyze this. If you already lost everything you have, literally everything : like your family, your property, your belongings, your past existence, and the only thing you have right now is just yourself. Then what's the problem? Now you can focus ahead, right? You can build your life again. Start fresh. Clean slate.

Ok, and let's say you gain some things again. And now you fear that you're going to lose the small gains you have. But think about it. This should be easy now. You already lose bigger things before. So, learning from your experience, this shouldn't be a new thing anymore. You already had the practice. The next losing things should be easier. Because now you know what to do.

Here's what you're going to do.

You're going to learn the lesson (learn quick, don't linger too long, life is too short! There's still bills to pay). And then you move on. Pack everything and go. Explore the world out there. New adventures waiting. New doors are there to be ventured.

So in the end of the day, everything is going to be easier. If you already lose before, you can certainly lose again. That's life. But the good news is, the sooner you master the skill of "losing", the easier it will be to handle the next loss.

There's another hidden benefit of you losing everything. And by the way if you still alive after that, then you just gain a very invaluable skill. Those "losing" times will make you way STRONGER. These "defeated" times are going to teach you how to do things in a better way next time. Or if anything, it'll make you tougher. Yes you might cry, but in the same time you also train yourself to pick up yourself and move forward in life.

Losing is a part of winning. Ask every successful people out there. Did they never fail? Did they never fall? Do they always win all the time, never once single time experience losing? No way. As a matter of fact, the reason why now they're winning, is because they learn when they lose. They learn when life gives them a setback. They learn how to do things better next time. And that's how they can try again and this time they win.

Remember what Thomas Alfa Edison said when he lost his whole life time work in a factory fire, back in December 1914, a century ago? "Thank God we can start a new." 3 weeks later, he invented the phonograph. There. Proof that losing is a part of winning.

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