Saturday, May 18, 2019

Time is Money. But Money is not Time.

Yes, we all know that time is money.  But does that mean that money is time?

No. Money is not the same as time.

Here's why.

Time, you have to use it. If not, then you'll loose it. Time keep ticking to the next second, no matter what. Nothing stops time.

But money, on the other hand, if you don't use it (aka save it), then it's still there. One of the way to lose money is to use it. But not really lose it, because as long as the money serve its purpose, then technically you're not losing it. The only thing of "losing" money is when you don't have a purpose for it and just splurge uncontrollably.

Many of us are using up 100% of our income. We treated money as time. It will be wiser if we don't use up all of it though. We can save it, tuck it away, set it aside, for a coming rainy day. Rainy day will come, so might as well be prepared. If you live long enough to experience the unexpected surprises life might throw at you, then you'll old enough to realize that rainy day will always come in any shape, type, and form. You'll be glad to cover your emergency when that savings is there.

Someone once asked me,"Peggy, what if you die? What's the use of the money if you die? You can't bring it anyway."

Yes, that's very true.

But what if you live? Die is easy. Die means you're done. Problems solved. That's it.

But if you live, you still have to pay bills, right? You still have to care after your family. You still have to at least feed yourself, assuming you're totally single and has nobody to look after. And in this century, unless you're a farmer, you need money to pay food to eat.

What if you still live a half century later? What if you no longer able to work? What if the environment totally change and your old ways of investing no longer applicable anymore to that time frame?

Well.. I don't want to add more worries to your list. You have enough stress as it is. But if I can take away one thing to reduce stress and worry, is at least a friendly reminder for you to have the wisdom to manage your time and your money efficiently.

Use your time wisely. If you want to save time, then plan ahead.

Use and save your money wisely. Your future self will thank you.

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