Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Resep Kue Cinta

1 pria sehat,
1 wanita sehat,
100% Komitmen,
2 pasang restu orang tua,
1 botol kasih sayang murni.

1 balok besar humor,
25 gr rekreasi,
1 bungkus doa,
2 sendok teh telpon-telponan,
Semuanya diaduk hingga merata dan mengembang.

Pilih pria dan wanita yang benar-benar matang dan
- Jangan yang satu terlalu tua dan yang lainnya
terlalu muda karena dapat mempengaruhi kelezatan
(sebaiknya dibeli di toserba bernama TEMPAT IBADAH,
walaupun agak jual mahal tapi mutunya terjamin.)
- Jangan beli di pasar yang bernama DISKOTIK atau
PARTY karena walaupun modelnya bagus dan harum baunya
tapi kadang menipu konsumen atau kadang menggunakan
zat pewarna yang bisa merusak kesehatan.
- Gunakan Kasih sayang cap"IMAN, HARAP & KASIH" yang
telah mendapatkan
penghargaan ISO dari Departemen Kesehatan dan

Cara Memasak:
- Pria dan Wanita dicuci bersih, buang semua masa
lalunya sehingga tersisa niat yang murni.
- Siapkan loyang yang telah diolesi dengan komitmen
dan restu orang tua secara merata.
- Masukkan niat yang murni ke dalam loyang dan
panggang dengan api cinta, merata sekitar 30 menit di
depan penghulu atau pendeta
- Biarkan di dalam loyang tadi dan sirami dengan semua
bumbu di atas.
- Kue siap dinikmati.


Kue ini dapat dinikmati oleh pembuatnya seumur hidup
dan paling enak dinikmati dalam keadaan kasih yang
hangat. Tapi kalau sudah agak dingin, tambahkan lagi
humor segar secukupnya, rekreasi sesuai selera, serta
beberapa potong doa kemudian dihangatkan lagi di oven
bermerek "Tempat Ibadah" diatas api cinta.
Setelah mulai hangat, jangan lupa telepon-teleponan
bila berjauhan.

Selamat mencoba, dijamin semuanya halal koq !
Selamat menikmati dari 'love' bakery'

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Cheese & Summer Sausage

This recipe is for ending this summer 2005 :

1 pound pick-up size summer sausage
1/2 pound Havarti with dill
1/2 pound Gouda or Edam cheese
1 pound green or red grapes
1 pint grape tomatoes

Remove casing of sausage and slice in 1/2-inch discs. Leave cheese whole and serve with cheese knife or cube up ahead to pack for a picnic. Serve salami and cheese selections with grapes and grape tomatoes.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Babysitting Week

Gua bisa bilang kalo minggu ini (23-27 August 05) is the babysitting week for me! Jadi tau gimana rasanya punya anak.. hahaha..

Jadi ceritanya gini, gue & Lloyd kan rent apartemen di Sommerset Terrace, nah ownernya, Jenny (cw cantik umur 38 thn yang sudah hidup selama 15 tahun di Amrik, originally she's Chinese from Chunking, China), minta tolong gue untuk jagain 2 daughtersnya yaitu Autumn (6 thn) dan April (2 thn) dari hari Selasa - Jumat, jam 9 pagi - 3 sore, dan hari Sabtu jam 4.30 sore - 10 malam. Nah, gue diminta untuk jagain mereka di rumah mereka di Camas, satu kota kecil yang deket bangeth sama Vancouver. Jenny's husband is Greg, a 43-yr old American guy. He's nice too.

Pengalaman yang cukup asik & berkesan. Mereka manis, tapi kadang2 nakal.. sampe2 gue berpikir, aduh, mendingan gue punya anaknya nanti2 aja deh, soalnya repot bangeth yak kalo mereka minta ditemenin maiiiiiiiiiiin melulu. Si April imut abis, dan suka ikut2an kakaknya.. sedangkan si Autumn termasuk tipe Koleris yaitu tipe Bossy .. tapi Autumn cukup nice sih... Malahan pas waktu malam (hari Sabtu gue jagain sampe malam) dia ketakutan kalau2 ada monster, sampe2 dia telp Lloyd minta Lloyd dateng! (Well, by the way, Lloyd emang harus dateng sih, kan jemput gue...)

Hari pertama ... adaptasi.. adaptasi. Pas Jenny pergi kerja, Autumn & April dengan manisnya duduk di ruang komputer. Gue sih bawa buku untuk dibaca (Gue bawa buku "Personality Plus for Couples".. edisi bahasa Indo). Nah, setelah asik 2-3 jam bermain2... Autumn punya inisiatif untuk kita main2 di Taman deket rumah, ada ayunan, ada perosotan, asik punya deh! Lalu kita pulang ke rumah setelah asik main di taman, terus mereka lunch Mac & Cheese yang udah disiapin Jenny. Autumn minum white milk, dan April minum soy milk. Lucunya, mereka bisa tau jenis susu yang gue kasih lho! I mean, kalo gue salah kasih susu, mereka bisa bilang,"This is not my milk"... I'm very surprised!!! Lalu sorenya kita nonton Spongebob & Scooby Doo di dvd.. terus main barbie.

Hari kedua, go to picnic in the Taman deket rumah (in the park). Setelah bosen, kita pulang ke rumah, dan Autumn mau makan peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.. dan dia mau bikin sendiri tuh peanut butter!!! Lalu kita nonton Scooby Doo lagi, dan main2 di kamarnya Autumn =) Oh ya, kita juga spend the time in the bathroom... Autumn & April mau mandi, dan mandiin 2 barbie-nya! hihihihi, lucu yaaa...

Hari ketiga, kita main piano (Jenny & Greg baru aja punya Grand Piano warna hitam yang gede bangeth ,mereknya Nordiska). terus kita nonton Sinbad the Cartoon =) oh ya, main computer dulu paginya... dan sorenya mandi2 lagi sama barbie2..

Hari keempat, yaitu Jumat, mereka ber2 didrop di rumah gue, dan kita nonton Dora di TV, terus nonton Tom & Jerry. Terus siangnya gue rencana mau bikin Chocolate Cake buat Lloyd, dan gue ajak aja mereka "bantuin" gue bikin kue di dapur.. hihihihi =) Oh ya, si Autumn lucu deh, minta dibikinin Indomie kuah.. terus si kecil April minta dibuatin telor dadar.. jadinya gue masak deh untuk mereka hari itu...

Hari kelima, the last day, kita main computer, nonton Snoopy, main ayunan di belakang rumah, dan bikin fish sticks di oven. Fun, fun, fun!

Tapi lumayan capek juga sih.. gue kan gak biasa main2 sama anak orang selama 6 jam.. hahaha =) Dan si April pengennya digendong terus sama gue (tapi emang dia imut & lucu abis sih! gue sih seneng2 aja gendongnya.. sampe2 si Autumn minta digendong pula...gue jadi kewalahan deh). Well, gue jadi salut nih sama para ibu yang bisa 24 jam with their children! Ini bener2 pengalaman yang mengajarkan gue untuk banyaaak2x bersabarrrrrr..

Friday, August 26, 2005

What is love? (Apa itu cinta?)

1. Do not be attracted to someone because of his face , because looks can be misleading . Do not be interested in his/her wealth, because wealth can be destroyed. Be interested in someone who makes you smile because only a smile can make a dark day brightened.

2. There are moments in life when you really miss someone so bad, that you want to pick them up from your dreams and hug them for real .

3. Dream what you want to dream, go to the place where you want to go, be what you want, because you have only one life and one chance to do the things you want to do.

4. I hope you get enough happiness to make you kind, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to make you human, enough awards to make you happy and enough money to buy gifts.

5. When one door of happiness closes, another door opens. But often we stare too long at the closed door that we did not see another door opened for us.

6. Best friend is a person who can sits in a patio with you, without saying a word, and then you are left with a feeling of having a long conversation with him/her.

7. It is true that we do not know what we have until we lose it, but it's also true we do not know what we've been missing until it arrives.

8. The happiest people do not necessarily have the best things, they just make the best of every thing in their life.

9. It only takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

10. Happiness is for those who cry, those who hurt, those who seek and those who try. For only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

11. Love is when you lose the taste, the passion of romance, and still care about him/her.

12. The saddest thing in life is when you meet someone who means in your life and find in the end that is not the case and you have to release him/her.

13. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

14. Love comes to those who still hope even if they have been let down, to those who still believe even if they have been betrayed, to those who still love even if they have been hurt.


1. Jangan tertarik kepada seseorang karena parasnya, sebab kelokan paras dapat menyesatkan. Jangan pula tertarik pada kekayaannya, karena kekayaan dapat musnah. Tertariklah kepada seseorang yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum, karena hanya senyum yang dapat membuat hari gelap menjadi cerah.

2. Ada saat-saat dalam hidup ketika kamu sangat merindukan seseorang sehinga ingin hati menjemputnya dari alam mimpi dan memeluknya dalam alam nyata.

3. Bermimpilah tentang apa yang kamu ingin impikan, pergilah ketempat-tempat kamu ingin pergi, jadilah seperti yang kamu inginkan, karena kamu hanya memiliki satu kehidupan dan satu kesempatan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang ingin kamu lakukan.

4. Semoga kamu mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang cukup untuk membuatmu baik hati, cobaan yang cukup untuk membuatmu kuat, kesedihan yang cukup untuk membuatmu manusiawi, penghargaan yang cukup untuk membuatmu bahagia dan uang yang cukup untuk membeli hadiah-hadiah.

5. Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain dibukakan. Tetapi acapkali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu yang lain dibukakan bagi kita.

6. Sahabat terbaik adalah orang yang dapat berayun-ayun diberanda bersamamu, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, dan kemudian kamu meninggalkannya dengan perasaan telah bercakap-cakap lama dengannya.

7. Sungguh benar bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita miliki sampai kita kehilangannya, tetapi sungguh benar pula kita tidak tahu apa yang belum pernah kita miliki sampai kita mendapatkannya.

8. Orang-orang yang paling bahagia belum tentu memiliki hal-hal terbaik, mereka hanya berusaha menjadikan yang terbaik dari setiap hal yang hadir dalam hidupnya.

9. Hanya dibutuhkan waktu semenit untuk menaksir seseorang, sejam untuk menyukai seseorang dan sehari untuk mencintai seseorang, tetapi dibutuhkan waktu seumur hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.

10. Kebahagiaan tersedia bagi mereka yang menangis, mereka yang disakiti hatinya, mereka yang mencari dan mereka yang mencoba. Karena hanya mereka itulah yang menghargai pentingnya orang-orang yang pernah hadir dalam hidup mereka.

11. Cinta adalah jika kamu kehilangan rasa, gairah romantika, dan masih tetap peduli padanya.

12. Hal yang paling menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu dengan seseorang yang sangat berarti dalam hidupmu dan mendapati pada akhirnya bahwa tidak demikian adanya dan kamu harus melepaskannya.

13. Cinta dimulai dengan sebuah senyuman, bertumbuh dengan sebuah ciuman, dan diakhiri dengan tetesan air mata.

14. Cinta datang kepada mereka yang masih berharap sekalipun pernah dikecewakan, kepada mereka yang masih percaya sekalipun pernah dikhianati, kepada mereka yang masih mencintai sekalipun pernah disakiti hatinya.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Learn to love the people who are with you at present

Learn to love the people who are with you at
present. Forget the people in the past and thank
them for hurting you, which led you to love the
people you have right now.

When you love someone, you'll do crazy things
you can't explain, you'll deny the truth and believe
in lies. When you love someone, you sacrifice,
give everything you've got and don't think twice.

You risk it all no matter what.

Everything in life is temporary because everything
That is why it takes courage to love,
knowing it might end anytime...having faith will
make it last.

Friends are not the one who laugh when you laugh
and cry when you cry. They are the ones who
make you laugh and stop you from crying.

Love is the feeling we fall in and out of, and every
time we fall off, we learn to hold on tighter...hoping
that next time, we may never have to let go.

They say when love knocks at your door, open it.
But do you know that sometimes love enters
through the back door and before you begin to
notice it, it's on it's way out.

Have you ever loved only to let it go?..

Have you ever hated someone and loved him so?..
Have you ever missed someone so bad it made
you cry?.. Have you ever seen someone left alone
without knowing why? ..

True: Lucky is the man who wins the first love of a
woman but luckier is the woman who wins the
last love of a man.

Love is not the right word to say when you feel
guilty nor the right word to say when you like a
person but love really matters when we share our
thoughts, our minds, and our hearts...

Life has a way of changing things but not the joy
that friendship brings, for friendship is like the
shining moon, makes each night a brighter one.

Love is not for beauty or color of the skin, but for a
heart that is loyal within, for beauty fades and the
skin would grow old but a heart that is loyal will
never turn cold.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your
heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn
about trust and the importance of being cautious to
whom you open your heart.

A love is easy to feel, so hard to explain; so easy
to get, so hard to let go; so easy to spell, so hard
to define...and yet everyone is still taking the risk.

That's love !

We are all a little weird and life's a little
weird, and when we find someone whose
weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with
them and fall in love in mutual weirdness and call it

Never be afraid to fall in love. It may hurt a lot, it
may give you aches and pain, but if you don't
follow your heart; in the end you will cry even more
for not giving love a chance.

If someone loves you, love them back not only
because they love you, but also because they are
teaching you to love and opening your heart and
eyes to things you have never seen or felt without

The past is meant to be used as a tool for the
Bad experiences indeed make you bitter
but the lessons learned should make you better.

On letting go: it hurts to see someone you love
happy with somebody else; but wouldn't it hurt you
more to see that person unhappy...with you?

When you find arms that will hold you at your
weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest,
lips that will kiss you in both instances, and a
heart that will love you at your worst, then you
have found true love.

Someday, someone might come into your life and
love you in a way you always wanted.

If your someday was yesterday.. LEARN

If your someday is tomorrow.. HOPE

If your someday is today.. CHERISH

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Saladnya My Nyokap

Ini resep satu emang canggih abis. Kalo pas ada pot luck, gue selalu bikin resep ini.. (actually, this is my mom's secret recipe.. but now since I share this with you, jadinya no secret lagi dah.. ) This recipe is very very good, you even don't have to put cheese to enjoy with!

Persiapan :
2 Kentang, diiris kotak2, rebus matang
1/4 bawang bombay, cincang abis
Jagung pipilan
Cincangan jamur
Celery, iris kotak2
Makaroni yang udah direbus
6 lembar fully cooked ham, iris kotak2 juga
1 Apel, iris kotak2
potongan nanas kotak2x
cincangan udang kecil2, sudah matang
2 putih telur yang sudah dimasak, iris kotak2
2 kuning telur
1 sdm mustard
5 sdm mayonaise
2 sdm mentega, dicairkan, bisa di microwave, atau di wajan yang dikasih air & dipanasi.
garam, gula, lada
grated orange peel & orange juice OR Jeruk nipis...
(optional : garlic salt, garlic powder, brown sugar, paprika powder, curry powder)

2 kuning telur taruh di bowl. Tuang mentega cair yang panas sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk2. Lalu masukkan mustard, mayonaise, grated orange peel & juicenya (bisa juga pake jeruk nipis..), garam, gula, lada (dan optional ingredients kalo ada)

Cicipin.. sapa tau kurang manis, kurang asin...

Terus, kalo udah, campur kentang, bawang bombay, jagung, celery, makaroni, ham, apel, nanas, udang, putih telur, aduk2 sampai rata.

Masukkin kulkas dan refrigerate for about an hour...

NYAM.. NYAM.. gue jadi laper nih sekarang!!!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Viennese Ice Cream Cake

This recipe is unbelieveable... worth to try... =)
Boleh buat dessert di summer yang puanas...

Bahan2x :
1 quart coffee ice cream, softened
3/4 cup butterscotch caramel topping
3/4 cup chopped pecans, toasted
1 quart vanilla ice cream, softened
1 container (8 ounces) frozen whipped topping, thawed
2 (5.5-ounce) packages chocolate caramel cookie bars (20 sticks total)
1 milk chocolate candy bar, shaved
Special Equipment: pastry bag (or resealable plastic bag) and a # 6 star tip

Cara :
Line a (9 1/4 by 5 by 2 3/4-inch) metal loaf pan with 2 layers of plastic wrap, allowing 3 inches of plastic to hang over pan sides. Using a rubber spatula, press 1/4 of the coffee ice cream into pan. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of caramel topping over ice cream. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of pecans over caramel. Spread 1/4 of the vanilla ice cream over nuts. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of caramel topping over ice cream. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of pecans over caramel. Freeze for 20 minutes or until firm. Repeat layering of coffee ice cream, caramel, pecans, and vanilla ice cream 3 more times, freezing for 20 minutes between each layering. Fold plastic overhang atop cake to cover. Freeze for 4 hours or until frozen solid.

To unmold, wrap hot damp towels around pan to loosen ice cream cake from pan. Fold back plastic from atop ice cream cake. Invert a large plate or serving platter atop the ice cream cake. Holding plate and pan together, invert cake onto plate. Remove pan from cake; peel off plastic wrap. Spoon whipped topping into pastry bag fitted with a star tip. Pipe stripes or fluted lines atop cake. Freeze for 1 hour or until whipped topping is frozen solid. Let cake stand at room temperature for 10 minutes before serving. Meanwhile, slice caramel cookie bars in half and arrange, cut side down, around perimeter of cake. Sprinkle chocolate shavings over cake. Cut cake crosswise into slices; transfer cake slices to serving plates.

Mozzarella en Carrozza

This is very delicious .. and easy to make!!!

1 ball fresh mozzarella
4 slices white bread, crusts trimmed
2 large eggs, beaten, or more as needed
1 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 heaping teaspoon minced fresh flat-leaf parsley
Salt and pepper
Plain bread crumbs, as needed
Olive oil, for frying
Quick Marinara Sauce

Cut the mozzarella into enough 1/4-inch thick slices to cover 2 slices of the bread. Reserve the remaining mozzarella for another use. Top the cheese with the remaining 2 slices of bread, to make 2 sandwiches, and press down to compact. In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, garlic, and parsley and season with salt and pepper. Put the bread crumbs on a plate. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, pour the in oil to a depth of 1/4-inch. When the oil is hot, dip each sandwich into the egg mixture, dredge in the bread crumbs, and fry, turning once, until crisp and the cheese has melted. Cut each sandwich in 1/2 and serve, while still hot, with the marinara sauce on the side for dipping.

Balsamic Vinegar Potato Salad

Gue nyoba menu ini pas di pot luck gereja beberapa minggu yang lalu... enak juga.. =)

5 medium red potatoes, diced
1/2 small onion, chopped
1/4 cup diced roasted red peppers
1/2 (2 ounce) can sliced black olives, drained
1/2 (5 ounce) can quartered artichoke hearts, drained
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon mustard powder
1 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

1.Place potatoes in a saucepan with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, then cook for 5 to 10 minutes, until tender. Drain, and transfer to a large bowl.

2.Add the onion, red peppers, olives, and artichokes to the bowl with the potatoes. In a separate bowl, whisk together the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, oregano, basil, mustard powder and parsley. Pour over the vegetables, and stir to coat. Chill for at least 4 hours or overnight before serving.