Tuesday, August 30, 2016

7 Ways to Simplify Your Life

1. Hire help
Don't be too frugal. If you need to hire someone to fix your things, rather than do it yourself, then do it. If you don't know how to fix it, attempt to fix it, and it got worse, then it'll be more expensive to replace it. If you don't have time nor the willingness to let's say... mow your lawn, then hire a gardener to do it. He/she probably will do a better job than you anyway in mowing your lawn & making your garden beautiful. That will free your time and energy on doing tasks that can be delegate to someone else.

2. Do one thing at a time
We all know that multitask is a very bad thing. Yes you can multi task, but normally the result will be better when you try to do one thing at a time. The focus and energy you put into finishing one task are better invested compared if you try to juggle four, five things at the same time.

3. Take a message
If you're that busy, don't answer the phone. Finish what you need to do first. If that phone call is that important, they'll leave a message. And you can answer it after you finish your task. Doing this will help you minimize interruption and let you concentrate on what you're doing right now.

4. Don't obsess over cleanliness
Clean your house, car, desk, room, but you don't need to over clean it. If it's already clean, then good! Leave it be. You only have 24 hours in a day, time is limited. There are more important things to do rather than obsessing in cleaning. Plus, you'll need to clean it again in a week or so anyway.

5. Prioritize
Plan, plan, plan. Plan your day. Plan your night. Plan your meal. Plan your finances. Prioritize what's the most important to the least important. Set a goal. You'll get nowhere if you just go with the flow. Prioritizing put an emphasis on what must be done first, put tasks in order and strategy.

6. Simplify your social life
Because I work during the day, and want to spend time with my family during the night and weekend, I have to carve time for my social time, time with friends that are not part of my work and my core family. I choose Facebook and LinkedIn as my social life. Virtual friendship is the best social life for me, because I can access it anytime, anywhere I have time. I simplify my social life with limiting to just one or two social media, because I literally don't have time to jump into the rest social media like Twitter, What's App, Instagram, etc. Not because they are not good. No! That's just because I'm more familiar with FB and LinkedIn. And having these two are more than enough for me.

7. Take a break
My husband repetitively advising me to take a break. Have fun. Play a game. Enjoy a movie. Entertainment is important because it's de-stress us from the hectic things in life. He can't be more right. Take a break recharges your energy.

Hope these tips help. I have to thank one of my mentor who shared these 7 tips with me, back in Indonesia, in 2004. Thank you, Mrs. Angkasa!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Maximize Opportunities

Recently, one of my boss gave me an advice. And I think it's one of the best advice that I've ever heard. It is to maximize opportunities whenever and wherever you are. Maximize opportunities (Max Opp for short).

This concept is applicable to any situation, not only for work. In life, in social relationship, in virtual connection, in daily living with our family, we should always maximize any opportunities given to us.


Because sometimes there is no second chance. Some opportunities don't come twice. Sometimes the only time to make the best impression and to show your best work, is only on that one given time. This is it. The moment of truth. You gotta give your best effort in everything that you do, because sometimes you only have 1 time to do it.

We all only have one life to live. This life right now. I don't know much about reincarnation or being reborn again after you die, that's either a myth, a theory, or something that I don't really know, nor care. But I know, this is the only lifetime I have. YOLO right? You only live once. So, make it worth. Maximize all opportunities presented to you. Seize the day. Will there be another life after this? Who knows. But if not, then you have to make this life right. You have to make this life better. You have to maximize your life!

Sometimes, opportunities knock loud, and sometimes it whispers. Sometimes it's strong, and sometimes it's subtle. If you don't see any opportunities open, then create one. The point is, keep pursuing your goals and dreams, keep working hard and smart, never let it go to chance, use what you have, and turn out your potentials to results. Maximize everything you got.

Let's Max Opp today!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Math: Shopping Problem

Today I went to the mall. I was going to buy some body lotions and hand sanitizer at my favorite store, Bath and Body Works. Then, I was faced with a dilemma. I have two coupons but I cannot use them at the same time. I had to choose to use one of them.

Coupon A: 20% off your purchase.
Coupon B: $10 off when your purchase is $30 or higher.

Which one to choose?

This seems simple, but it's deeper than I thought. To be able to answer this, I simply revert younger self in school. Referring to the basic math. And the answer is.... depends on your purchase.

If the purchase is lower than $30, then definitely use Coupon A. You can't use Coupon B for anything less than $30 anyway.

If the purchase is equal or more than $30 and less than X amount, it will be more profitable to use Coupon B. Why? Because:
Coupon B: $10/$30 = 33% discount!
Coupon A: 20% x $30 = $6 discount.--> If you use Coupon A on a $30 purchase, you'll only get 20% discount.
Where I come from, 33% discount ($10) is better than 20% discount($6)! I think everywhere in the world, that principle is still valid.

So now here comes the serious question. What is the break even point? Until what point it'll be more profitable to use Coupon B? I mean... if your purchase is $100, it'll be better to use Coupon A, because:
Coupon A: 20% x $100 = $20 discount.
Coupon B: $10 discount of $100 purchase = 10%.
$20 discount (20% off) is better than $10 discount (10% off).

To be able to answer this, let's just calculate the X. The break even point will be the $10.
Coupon B: $10 = $30 x 33%
Coupon A: $10 = X x 20%. ---> X = $10/0.2. X = $50.

So, if your purchase is $50, then here's what happen:
Coupon A = 20% x $50 = $10.
Coupon B = $10 off $50 = $10/$50 = 20%.
No matter which coupon you use, it doesn't matter, it'll be the same discount, both dollar wise and percentage wise.

Using the basic principles above, for any purchase above $50, it'll be more profitable to use Coupon A. Why? Simple.
Coupon A = Let's say your purchase is $51. Then: 20% x $51 = $10.2 discount. 2 pennies still higher than 0 pennies.
Coupon B = $10/$51 = 19.6%. Which is 0.04% less than 20% that's offered from Coupon A.

Purchase#4 (my actual purchase):
My final shopping resulted in a $40 shopping. Which coupon you think I choose? By using simple logic and math, I did my calculation quickly before surrendered one of the coupon to the clerk:
Coupon A: 20% x $40 = $8 discount.
Coupon B: $10/$40 = 25% discount.
In this actual shopping experience, Coupon B wins because it was 25% discount (higher than 20%) and I literally saved $10 (instead of $8).

I really have to thank my math teachers.

Thank you to all math teachers everywhere you are!!!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Learn "Happy"

If you happy when you have nothing, you'll be happy when you have everything - Anonymous.

Many people think happiness is a goal. A destination. A status reached. I myself was guilty of this too. I thought,"Oh I'll be happy when I graduate" - when I was in school. When I was single, I thought I'll be happier when I get married. When I used to rent an apartment, I always thinking how happy I will be when I buy a house. Others might think,"I'll be happy when my children grow up to be over 18 and be independent on their own". Some think,"I'll be happy when I get promoted, get new raise, or get better job elsewhere."

And the funny thing is, when life moves us to those stage we want, yet we're not fully happy. Yet we still aim for something else. As if, there's always something missing to complete our happiness.

So now I learn, that if I'm happy with I have now (or lack of thereof), then I finally know the key to happiness. Happiness is not measured in wealth, status, or any other symbol that the common norm perceived. Happiness is when you happy, no matter what.

My husband taught me that happiness is an inside job. It's a state of mind. And yes, he is 100% correct on this matter. I see my husband grow from the last decade, he's always happy (and peaceful) no matter what. I admire his inner peace, which finally produce his inner happiness. Which he spread to his family (I'm definitely so lucky to be his wife!), his coworkers, and his society.

So if right now we're not that happy yet, learn. Learn to be happy. Be happy first. Then everything will follow. If you can be happy now, you'll be happy later. If you're not happy now, you can always change your mindset and your feeling. We are human, the most versatile being (compared to animals and plants). The best thing of being human is we have the ability to progress. That includes happiness.

Today I hope you happy. To find true happiness, we all need to learn to master happiness. I wish you always be happy! Today, tomorrow, and forever and ever! :)

*And they all live happily ever after* - The End.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Homemade Peanut Sauce

Putting it here in my blog so I don't forget:

Add 1/2 cup peanut butter, 2 tbspn soy sauce, 1 tbpsn lime juice, 1 tspn brown sugar, 1/2 tspn red pepper flakes, and 1/3 cup water and blend, adding more water by tablespoonfuls if needed to thin, until smooth. 

DO AHEAD: Peanut sauce can be made 3 days ahead. Transfer to a small bowl, cover, and chill. Bring to room temperature before using.

Best homemade peanut sauce ever!!! :)

To be the BEST

To be the BEST, you have to be BETTER at whatever you're doing now.

To be BETTER, you have to be GOOD at what you're doing.

So first, practice to be GOOD, and then to be BETTER, then eventually you'll be the BEST.

Practice makes perfect.


Every day, I'm trying to be a better person. Better daughter, better wife, better employee, better friend, better human. I'm definitely far from perfect, but at least I try my hardest to get there. Trying to be better doesn't mean that I'm bad. It means that I'm already good at what I'm doing, but I know that there's some potential powers within me that can still be developed into the next level. I don't satisfy with status quo. I believe I still have plenty skills and talents that waiting to be released to produce better results.

As human, we normally use only 10% of our potential. This principle is wide-known. Here's some reference about it:
1. Wikipedia
2. Morgan Freeman's movie "Lucy"
3. Bradley Cooper's movie "Limitless"
4. Wired

Whether it's true or not, whether it's 10% or 5% or 23%, the point is I believe I can still do things better if I want to try to be better. The funny thing is, once I realize that I could be better, then I start doing things differently.

For example, I want to be a better communicator. I want to talk effective and efficient. So now, I stop ramble aimlessly, and start focusing on the key points when I talk with someone. Without sacrificing my sanguine flair, I can make a better conversation by getting to the point faster (efficient) and get my audience understand the point (effective).

I need to remind myself everyday that I have to be better, by working, doing, talking smarter. Smart doesn't mean short cut and cheats, it just meant doing things a little bit faster and better! But only do that when you already know how to do it right. Don't do things faster and compromise the quality of your work. Quality things still takes time, but after you do it right several times, you can always speed up the process.

Why I want to be better? Well... it's because eventually I want to be the BEST. :)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Don't Stop

Can you imagine if Walt Disney stop after making Snow White in 1937? Then there would be no Cinderella (1950), Disneyland (1955), and Disneyworld (1971). There would be no future Disney cartoons (Beauty & The Beast, The Little Mermaid, Lion King, Mulan, etc). There would be no Disney Channels (Hannah Montana, Austin & Ally, The Suite Life on Deck, etc). There would be no Disney Alani and Disney Cruises. And to be honest with you, a world without Disney is a world I don't want to live in! Everyday I'm so thankful that Walt Disney didn't stop at his first success. He continue on the next project. And onto the next success. And the next. He kept going.

Don't stop. Once you completed your accomplishment, keep going to the next one. Don't let one big success stop you from leaping into the next bigger success! Keep pushing forward.

Can you imagine if Leonardo DiCaprio stop acting after starring in Romeo & Juliet (1996)? Jack Dawson would be very different in Titanic (1997) if it's not played by Leo. Catch Me If You Can (2002) will not be the same if it's not starred by Leo. We probably will see a different Gangs of New York (2002). There might be no The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) and The Revenant (2015). Everytime I see Leo's movies I kept being reminded to myself that Leo never stops. He continues making great movies and that's what make him one of the greatest movie star of our time.

My point is, don't stop perfecting your craft. Keep honing your skills. Aim to achieve the highest level of mastery in your trade. Don't stop.

You will make the world a better place by continue producing great works. Have a good day!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Living my dream (love & life)

On 6th October 2002, I had an impossible dream. I wish one day I'll meet Lloyd (husband now, boyfriend then), and play chess face to face together. I said impossible because at that time I did not think that I would meet him face to face. I lived in Indonesia, he lived in United States. We had a long distance relationship. And we didn't know that eventually we'll marry. We didn't know that eventually I come to United States. We didn't know that we'll play chess again.

But today, August 13th, 2016, I am living my dream again! I finally able to play chess face to face with Lloyd, and had two games in a row. (Well, in 2003, we played face to face; and today we play a couple more matches.) This dream seems simple, but if you asked me fourteen years ago, I'd say I would give up anything just to be with him physically! And to play chess face to face, instead of virtual, like what we used to do in the early stages of our friendship/relationship.

I must always remember to cherish my dreams. Dreams do come true when you work towards it and make it to your reality.

It's an indescribable feeling. To live the dream. To finally have your dream come true.

My point is, never give up on your dreams. Work towards it and your dream will become your reality. And it's so fun to live in the reality of your dreams!

Have a nice day! :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

World Peace

World peace doesn't just happen by itself.

We all want to live in a peaceful place. Imagine. When it's peaceful, we can travel all around the world without fear. We all can learn from each other's diversity and other's rich culture. Peace is when we can let our children play without worry. Peace is when we can eat without afraid someone poisoning our food. Peace is when you have the freedom to choose what you want without give in to someone peer pressure. Peace is when you can work and live to the fullest.

To make it happen, all of us must work together to achieve that.

That means every nations, doesn't matter big or small, must hand in hand, work together.

Set aside our differences, work out together to find options and resolutions.

Put down your weapons and let's meet in the negotiation table. Open diplomatic channels.

Often times, we are blinded by the looks, and not the content.

Find the common enemy. Let's not fight the people, but tackle the problems.

What's all nation's common enemy?
1. Poverty
2. Cancer
3. Illiteracy - lack of education

Actually I believe there should be more than just 3, and I will let the experts at the United Nations figure that out.

My point is, you cannot expect world peace by doing nothing. You must do your part too. Whatever small it is. Do your part. Put in your contribution. If you want world peace, then work for it too. If you want world peace, then stop fighting. Start living peacefully. Practice peace. If you don't know how to be at peace, then learn from those who had achieve peace.

I'm pretty sure we all know how to be peaceful. We are the best and smart generation. We live at the BEST moment of our live time. Let's not wait for peace.

Do your peace today! :)

Monday, August 08, 2016


Before you complain about your children,
Think of those who want to have kids but can't.

Before you complain about your spouse,
Think of those who longing for one but haven't find him/her yet.

Before you complain about your parents,
Think of those who miss their ma and pa because they already passed away.

Before you complain about your job,
Think of those who is still searching for one and unable to get it yet.

Before you complain about your coworkers,
Think of those who work in solitude and longing for human touch.

Before you complain about your customer,
Think of those business who has no customer coming it at all and still waiting.

Before you complain about your health,
Think of those who was born with permanent disability.

Before you complain about your country,
Think of those who lives in turmoil, unstable, constant war, fighting poverty, or deadly virus.

Before you complain about your world,
Think of other planets where the environment is unsuitable to live,
Making earth the perfect world to live.

Be grateful with what you have. Be thankful for everything you have.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Living the dream (work)

Who knew. Something happened. It looks like a bad thing, but it turns out to be the start of the best thing in my life.

Mid July 2015. The company where I work for the last 9 years decided to close the site and lay everybody off. It's not because we were doing something bad, it's just business. I never thought that lay-off will become our reality. The company was generous though, they gave us 4 months to be prepared. They provided us moral support, providing us career counselors, helping us to get a new job to replace the one that we would soon loose. They held career classes, teaching us the tips and tricks to be successful in an interview, how to utilize professional networking, both on and offline, how to effectively use LinkedIn to propel you to the next step in the job hunt, and how to be confident in your job search. They plant confidence seed in ourselves and boost our low morale. I would forever be grateful for their encouragement in this difficult times.

My coworkers at the time were fantastic too. Especially my good friend, Betty. She advised me to not look for any job, but to selectively choose the ones that I really want. I told her that I would love to work in Vancouver, the city where I live, and no longer commuting 25 miles to Tigard everyday. I shared with Betty (and my other coworkers too, it's like the 10 of us! and our boss Kim, Dan, and Mary), so I shared with them that I would really love to go back to banking world (the branch life, not behind the scenes offices), and it will be great if I can get a work in Vancouver. They said, so do it. I replied,"Well, I've been trying to get a job in Vancouver and branch banking for the last 11 years! But I couldn't find it." Betty and the gang continued to advise me to hold on to my dreams and to not give up just yet.

So I follow their suggestions. I dare myself to apply to several banks, credit unions, investment firms, and other type of companies in Vancouver. There are times that I just want to give up and revert to a call center life, but my IMC team kept me on track. I remember Betty said,"You want to be picky now. This is your time to be choosy and keep applying to the job that you really want."

Job application after job application. Interview after interview. After 38 companies, 10 phones interviews, and 7 face-to-face interview, finally there's one company that answer to my call and decided to give me a chance. And guess what! That company is a bank (branch, not back office), and it's in Vancouver! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!

The interesting part is, the day of the lay-off, Dec 11, 2015; was that fateful day, when the bank called me and confirmed that I got the job in a Vancouver branch! Wow, just wow. One door closes, another one opens.

I forever will be grateful that I listened to the good advice from my colleagues. I forever will be grateful that I continue to hang on to my dreams, and keep pursuing it. And now, since day 1, I am living my dream. Everyday in the new office is a good day for me.

It's so... magical.

I want to thank you everyone (my previous company and my current company), plus all the great people I work with in the past and the present, who keep supporting me and push me forward. It was (and is) wonderful working with all of you.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Happiness Waiting Time

In the matter of happiness,  I don't wait.

I don't wait until a certain age to be happy.
I don't wait until I get into a certain job title to be happy.
I don't wait until I have a possession (or two) to be happy.
I don't wait until I reach a destination.
I don't wait until I accomplish something.
I don't wait until the world change to my standard.
I don't wait until tomorrow.
I don't wait until my family are in different stage of life.
I don't wait until my birthday or anniversary.
I don't wait until the next big event, whether it's sports, political, or entertainment.
I don't wait until my workday over to be happy.
I don't wait until retirement.
I don't wait until Tuesday.
I don't wait until November.
I don't wait until the next Star Trek movie is released.
I don't wait until the new president is elected.
I don't wait until the lights turns green -- to be happy.
I don't wait until the oven beep.
I don't wait until dessert.
I don't wait until I can travel to Maldives.
I don't wait until I level up in my video games.
I don't wait until I finish reading a book.
I don't wait until school is done.
I don't wait until someone say hello to me.
I don't wait until the meeting is over.
I don't wait until I get a present or gift.

To be happy, I don't wait.

I just want to do "happy" now, and practicing happiness in every single moment is a goal that I am pursuing, in every single breath that I take.

I never wait to be happy anyway.

I was happy. I am happy. And I know I'll still be happy later.

Monday, August 01, 2016

I don't care how you drink your tea

I don't care how you drink your tea
I don't care if you prefer it hot or cold
I don't care if you hold your pinky up or not
I don't care if you take one, two, or three sugar, or lack of thereof
I don't care if you drink it in a cup or in a glass or in a bottle or from a jar
I don't care if you drink it while sitting, walking, or running
I don't care if you choose white tea, or black tea, or oolong tea, or jasmine tea
I don't care if you drink at 4 am, 4 pm, or whenever you like it.
I don't care if you drink it in your kitchen, living room, or bedroom

All I care is that after you're done drinking your tea, wash the dishes.