Thursday, March 14, 2019

My Superpowers

So yesterday I had a conversation with an 8 year old. We were talking about our superpowers. After our deep discussion, we finally summarized what are my 7 superpowers are! Here we go.

Superpower #1 : Flying
It'll be very cool to just be able to fly, just like that! But then I won't enjoy the airplane then, hahaha!

Superpower #2 : See the future
It'll be tempting to see what happen in 2035, 16 years from now. I'm kinda curious what my future will be. Well, my boyfriend said that we will live in a nice house! Amen!

Superpower #3 : Breathe under water
It's kinda fun to be able to live for a moment under water. Imagine there's Atlantis Hotel or something like that. I guess I was influenced too much by Aquaman.

Superpower #4 : Always be happy
Life is not perfect. That means all the time happiness is impossible. But we can always choose to be content and grateful. I still want to have a happy life though.

Superpower #5 : Control time
Not necessarily stopping time, because I know time never stops. But I want to control my time, instead to be controlled by time. That means I have to clear out my schedule and have as few priorities as possible. This way I can free up my time and be more relaxed in life.

Superpower #6 : Infra-red vision
It's kinda cool to be able to see what happen behind that door. Or to be able to see things in the other part of the world. Well I guess that's what internet are for, huh?

Superpower #7 : The ability to stay skinny
Hohoho, this is definitely a super power! Willpower to not eat that second plate. The ability to say no to that cup of hot chocolate at 2pm because you know it'll give you 250 extra calories that you don't need!

This is so fun!! I love having conversation with her. Thank you, Angelica! ♥

Friday, March 08, 2019

Life Is Not Perfect

Life is never perfect.

There's always something that will bring you down. There's always one thing that always bugged you. There's always things that we wish don't go the other way.

But the key is to keep your optimism about life. Keep counting the other 99 things that go right in your life. To keep the gratitude. By focusing on what's right about life, we won't feel so depressed when things don't go our way.

It's just life.

That's the nature way of life. There's always yin and yang. A white dot in a pool of black, and a black dot in a sea of white. It's not full. It's never full. The cup is never really full or really empty. There's always spot here & there.

Being content is another key of having a peaceful life. Knowing that you did the best you can with what you have. Knowing that you do everything you can in your power to make things right. You don't control the outcome, but you control your actions. You can choose to do the right thing. And you did! So be content with the result. It is okay to not reach perfection.

It'll be a very stressful life if we always want to reach the absolute perfection. Perfectionism kills joy. Learning to let go. Let go of things that is not within your control. You only a human. Be kind to yourself. Always.

So here's my takeaway for today's happiness:
1. Be grateful.
2. Be content.
3. Be kind. Especially to yourself.
4. Always striving for the next level, but don't give up if you don't reach it. It's okay.
5. Find what's going right.
6. Always be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need. In this imperfect life.

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

End of the Tunnel

Today is such a great day!!!

What's happening today?

1. 14 years ago, I arrived in United States for the first time.

2. Exactly today, I finalized my divorce after 90 days waiting period. Done waiting!

3. Working together with great people at my work, my boss included! Greatest boss ever!

4. Watching a beautiful sunset on the way home.

5. Spending time with my boyfriend (Grant) and his 2 daughters. Enjoying quality time! Enchiladas dinner and bonding time. Love every minute of it! (Thanks Babe, for treating me tonight!).

Life is so good right now at Peggyland. Hehehehe. I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Life is so funny sometimes. Just half year ago I struggled so much with my personal life, with drama and heartache and tears in daily basis. Tried to keep fighting and fighting and finally just let life unfold in front of me. But fast forward to now, I finally found my happiness again. I started slowly walking towards the end of the tunnel in December 2018, slowly gaining my strength, and finally in March 2019, I'm grinning from ear to ear. Especially remembering the special moments I have together with my new man in my life. He's so amazing!

Thank you Jesus for your blessings. And thank you for all my friends who reading this and sharing my happiness with me. I can't be more happier, really! :)

I had a feeling that I'm going to smile a lot in the future... ^_^